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Manuscript Writer to Lilypond converter + MIDI add-depth script, from http://ssb22.user.srcf.net/mwrhome (also mirrored at http://ssb22.gitlab.io/mwrhome just in case)

Manuscript Writer was a C++ music notation program I made in the mid-1990s to help with school music work.Its input was based on SMX code (e.g. O2L4cdL8efL4g) with many additions.

Manuscript Writer is rarely needed nowadays, because GNU Lilypond produces much better typesetting. mwr2ly.y in this repository is a mostly-automatic converter from Manuscript Writer code to Lilypond code; read the comments at the start of the file for how to compile and use it.

This repository also contains midi-add-depth.py to change MIDI files to add the pan and reverb settings that Manuscript Writer would have used for different instruments, and lilypond-svg-fixer.py to improve the display of Lilypond 2.18's SVG files in some Web browsers.