Lunny Xiao fb1b2fb842
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
use go mod & add drone
2019-06-06 09:57:26 +08:00

149 lines
3.3 KiB

// Copyright 2015 The Tango Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package xsrf
import (
const (
XSRF_TAG string = "_xsrf"
type Xsrfer interface {
CheckXsrf() bool
type NoCheck struct {
func (NoCheck) InitXsrfer(*tango.Context, time.Duration) {}
func (NoCheck) CheckXsrf() bool {
return false
var _ Xsrfer = NoCheck{}
type XsrfChecker interface {
SetXsrf(string, *tango.Context, time.Duration)
AutoCheck() bool
type Checker struct {
XsrfValue string
ctx *tango.Context
timeout time.Duration
func (Checker) CheckXsrf() bool {
return true
func (c *Checker) SetXsrf(v string, ctx *tango.Context, timeout time.Duration) {
c.XsrfValue = v
c.ctx = ctx
c.timeout = timeout
func (c *Checker) AutoCheck() bool {
return true
func (c *Checker) XsrfFormHtml() template.HTML {
return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(`<input type="hidden" name="%v" value="%v" />`,
XSRF_TAG, c.XsrfValue))
func (c *Checker) Renew() {
var val = uuid.NewRandom().String()
var cookie = newCookie(XSRF_TAG, val, int64(c.timeout.Seconds()))
//c.ctx.Header().Set("Set-Cookie", cookie.String())
func (c *Checker) IsValid() bool {
if c.ctx.Req().Method == "POST" {
res, err := c.ctx.Req().Cookie(XSRF_TAG)
formVal := c.ctx.Req().FormValue(XSRF_TAG)
if err != nil || res.Value == "" || res.Value != formVal {
return false
return true
var _ XsrfChecker = &Checker{}
func New(timeout time.Duration) tango.HandlerFunc {
return func(ctx *tango.Context) {
var action interface{}
if action = ctx.Action(); action == nil {
// if action implements check xsrf option and ask not check then return
if checker, ok := action.(Xsrfer); ok && !checker.CheckXsrf() {
var val string = ""
cookie, err := ctx.Req().Cookie(XSRF_TAG)
if err != nil {
val = uuid.NewRandom().String()
cookie = newCookie(XSRF_TAG, val, int64(timeout.Seconds()))
//ctx.Header().Set("Set-Cookie", cookie.String())
} else {
val = cookie.Value
if c, ok := action.(XsrfChecker); ok {
c.SetXsrf(val, ctx, timeout)
if c.AutoCheck() {
if ctx.Req().Method == "POST" {
res, err := ctx.Req().Cookie(XSRF_TAG)
formVal := ctx.Req().FormValue(XSRF_TAG)
if err != nil || res.Value == "" || res.Value != formVal {
ctx.Abort(http.StatusInternalServerError, "xsrf token error.")
ctx.Error("xsrf token error.")
// NewCookie is a helper method that returns a new http.Cookie object.
// Duration is specified in seconds. If the duration is zero, the cookie is permanent.
// This can be used in conjunction with ctx.SetCookie.
func newCookie(name string, value string, age int64) *http.Cookie {
var utctime time.Time
if age == 0 {
// 2^31 - 1 seconds (roughly 2038)
utctime = time.Unix(2147483647, 0)
} else {
utctime = time.Unix(time.Now().Unix()+age, 0)
return &http.Cookie{Name: name, Path: "/", Value: value, Expires: utctime}