Jason Hall d105b0bec0 Remove cmd/gsutil image
Based on #1503

This image wrapped any image with `gsutil` in the path (typically,
`google/cloud-sdk`), and invoked it with our own custom Go wrapper.
That's unnecessary, since `gsutil` can be invoked directly as necessary,
using any image where `gsutil` is in the PATH (`google/cloud-sdk` is the

This change should be entirely transparent to end users.

Operators can override the image being used if they so desire, to point
to any image that contains `gsutil`.
2019-10-31 10:34:27 -05:00

5 lines
344 B

github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/cmd/creds-init: gcr.io/tektoncd-release/github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/build-base:latest
github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/cmd/git-init: gcr.io/tektoncd-release/github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/build-base:latest
github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/cmd/entrypoint: busybox # image should have shell in $PATH