add table & column comment for postgres(add table comment for mysql) #2067

lunny merged 12 commits from fanybook/xorm:master into master 2021-11-12 12:58:06 +00:00
7 changed files with 148 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ func (db *Base) IsColumnExist(queryer core.Queryer, ctx context.Context, tableNa
// AddColumnSQL returns a SQL to add a column
func (db *Base) AddColumnSQL(tableName string, col *schemas.Column) string {
s, _ := ColumnString(db.dialect, col, true)
return fmt.Sprintf("ALTER TABLE %v ADD %v", db.dialect.Quoter().Quote(tableName), s)
return fmt.Sprintf("ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s", db.dialect.Quoter().Quote(tableName), s)
// CreateIndexSQL returns a SQL to create index

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@ -685,6 +685,12 @@ func (db *mysql) CreateTableSQL(ctx context.Context, queryer core.Queryer, table
if table.Comment != "" {
b.WriteString(" COMMENT='")
return b.String(), true, nil

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@ -991,13 +991,37 @@ func (db *postgres) IsTableExist(queryer core.Queryer, ctx context.Context, tabl
db.getSchema(), tableName)
func (db *postgres) ModifyColumnSQL(tableName string, col *schemas.Column) string {
func (db *postgres) AddColumnSQL(tableName string, col *schemas.Column) string {
s, _ := ColumnString(db.dialect, col, true)
quoter := db.dialect.Quoter()
addColumnSQL := ""
commentSQL := "; "
if len(db.getSchema()) == 0 || strings.Contains(tableName, ".") {
return fmt.Sprintf("alter table %s ALTER COLUMN %s TYPE %s",
db.quoter.Quote(tableName), db.quoter.Quote(col.Name), db.SQLType(col))
addColumnSQL = fmt.Sprintf("ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s", quoter.Quote(tableName), s)
commentSQL += fmt.Sprintf("COMMENT ON COLUMN %s.%s IS '%s'", quoter.Quote(tableName), quoter.Quote(col.Name), col.Comment)
return addColumnSQL + commentSQL
return fmt.Sprintf("alter table %s.%s ALTER COLUMN %s TYPE %s",
db.quoter.Quote(db.getSchema()), db.quoter.Quote(tableName), db.quoter.Quote(col.Name), db.SQLType(col))
addColumnSQL = fmt.Sprintf("ALTER TABLE %s.%s ADD %s", quoter.Quote(db.getSchema()), quoter.Quote(tableName), s)
commentSQL += fmt.Sprintf("COMMENT ON COLUMN %s.%s.%s IS '%s'", quoter.Quote(db.getSchema()), quoter.Quote(tableName), quoter.Quote(col.Name), col.Comment)
return addColumnSQL + commentSQL
func (db *postgres) ModifyColumnSQL(tableName string, col *schemas.Column) string {
quoter := db.dialect.Quoter()
modifyColumnSQL := ""
commentSQL := "; "
if len(db.getSchema()) == 0 || strings.Contains(tableName, ".") {
modifyColumnSQL = fmt.Sprintf("ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN %s TYPE %s", quoter.Quote(tableName), quoter.Quote(col.Name), db.SQLType(col))
commentSQL += fmt.Sprintf("COMMENT ON COLUMN %s.%s IS '%s'", quoter.Quote(tableName), quoter.Quote(col.Name), col.Comment)
return modifyColumnSQL + commentSQL
modifyColumnSQL = fmt.Sprintf("ALTER TABLE %s.%s ALTER COLUMN %s TYPE %s", quoter.Quote(db.getSchema()), quoter.Quote(tableName), quoter.Quote(col.Name), db.SQLType(col))
commentSQL += fmt.Sprintf("COMMENT ON COLUMN %s.%s.%s IS '%s'", quoter.Quote(db.getSchema()), quoter.Quote(tableName), quoter.Quote(col.Name), col.Comment)
return modifyColumnSQL + commentSQL
lunny marked this conversation as resolved

need a space between two SQLs

need a space between two SQLs
func (db *postgres) DropIndexSQL(tableName string, index *schemas.Index) string {
@ -1302,6 +1326,26 @@ func (db *postgres) GetIndexes(queryer core.Queryer, ctx context.Context, tableN
return indexes, nil
func (db *postgres) CreateTableSQL(ctx context.Context, queryer core.Queryer, table *schemas.Table, tableName string) (string, bool, error) {
quoter := db.dialect.Quoter()
if len(db.getSchema()) != 0 && !strings.Contains(tableName, ".") {
tableName = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", db.getSchema(), tableName)
createTableSQL, ok, err := db.Base.CreateTableSQL(ctx, queryer, table, tableName)
if err != nil {
return "", ok, err
commentSql := "; "
if table.Comment != "" {
// support schema.table -> "schema"."table"
commentSql += fmt.Sprintf("COMMENT ON TABLE %s IS '%s'", quoter.Quote(tableName), table.Comment)
return createTableSQL + commentSql, true, nil
func (db *postgres) Filters() []Filter {
return []Filter{&SeqFilter{Prefix: "$", Start: 1}}

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@ -14,9 +14,15 @@ type TableName interface {
TableName() string
type TableComment interface {
TableComment() string
var (
tpTableName = reflect.TypeOf((*TableName)(nil)).Elem()
tvCache sync.Map
tpTableName = reflect.TypeOf((*TableName)(nil)).Elem()
tpTableComment = reflect.TypeOf((*TableComment)(nil)).Elem()
tvCache sync.Map
tcCache sync.Map
// GetTableName returns table name
@ -55,3 +61,40 @@ func GetTableName(mapper Mapper, v reflect.Value) string {
return mapper.Obj2Table(v.Type().Name())
// GetTableComment returns table comment
func GetTableComment(v reflect.Value) string {
if v.Type().Implements(tpTableComment) {
return v.Interface().(TableComment).TableComment()
lunny marked this conversation as resolved

You should also consider it's a pointer method.

if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
	v = v.Elem()
You should also consider it's a pointer method. ```go if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { v = v.Elem() ```
if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
v = v.Elem()
if v.Type().Implements(tpTableComment) {
return v.Interface().(TableComment).TableComment()
} else if v.CanAddr() {
v1 := v.Addr()
if v1.Type().Implements(tpTableComment) {
return v1.Interface().(TableComment).TableComment()
} else {
comment, ok := tcCache.Load(v.Type())
if ok {
if comment.(string) != "" {
return comment.(string)
} else {
v2 := reflect.New(v.Type())
if v2.Type().Implements(tpTableComment) {
tableComment := v2.Interface().(TableComment).TableComment()
tcCache.Store(v.Type(), tableComment)
return tableComment
tcCache.Store(v.Type(), "")
return ""

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@ -394,6 +394,8 @@ func (session *Session) Sync(beans ...interface{}) error {
_, err = session.exec(engine.dialect.ModifyColumnSQL(tbNameWithSchema, col))
} else if col.Comment != oriCol.Comment {
_, err = session.exec(engine.dialect.ModifyColumnSQL(tbNameWithSchema, col))
if col.Default != oriCol.Default {

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@ -316,6 +316,7 @@ func (parser *Parser) Parse(v reflect.Value) (*schemas.Table, error) {
table := schemas.NewEmptyTable()
table.Type = t
table.Name = names.GetTableName(parser.tableMapper, v)
table.Comment = names.GetTableComment(v)
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
col, err := parser.parseField(table, i, t.Field(i), v.Field(i))

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@ -26,6 +26,20 @@ func (p ParseTableName2) TableName() string {
return "p_parseTableName"
type ParseTableComment struct{}
lunny marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

Please also add a pointer method

Please also add a pointer method
type ParseTableComment1 struct{}
type ParseTableComment2 struct{}
func (p ParseTableComment1) TableComment() string {
return "p_parseTableComment1"
func (p *ParseTableComment2) TableComment() string {
return "p_parseTableComment2"
func TestParseTableName(t *testing.T) {
parser := NewParser(
@ -47,6 +61,36 @@ func TestParseTableName(t *testing.T) {
assert.EqualValues(t, "p_parseTableName", table.Name)
func TestParseTableComment(t *testing.T) {
parser := NewParser(
table, err := parser.Parse(reflect.ValueOf(new(ParseTableComment)))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.EqualValues(t, "", table.Comment)
table, err = parser.Parse(reflect.ValueOf(new(ParseTableComment1)))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.EqualValues(t, "p_parseTableComment1", table.Comment)
table, err = parser.Parse(reflect.ValueOf(ParseTableComment1{}))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.EqualValues(t, "p_parseTableComment1", table.Comment)
table, err = parser.Parse(reflect.ValueOf(new(ParseTableComment2)))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.EqualValues(t, "p_parseTableComment2", table.Comment)
table, err = parser.Parse(reflect.ValueOf(ParseTableComment2{}))
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.EqualValues(t, "p_parseTableComment2", table.Comment)
func TestUnexportField(t *testing.T) {
parser := NewParser(