2013-09-30 14:45:34 +08:00

282 lines
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package xorm
import (
// Interface IConnecPool is a connection pool interface, all implements should implement
// Init, RetrieveDB, ReleaseDB and Close methods.
// Init for init when engine be created or invoke SetPool
// RetrieveDB for requesting a connection to db;
// ReleaseDB for releasing a db connection;
// Close for invoking when engine.Close
type IConnectPool interface {
Init(engine *Engine) error
RetrieveDB(engine *Engine) (*sql.DB, error)
ReleaseDB(engine *Engine, db *sql.DB)
Close(engine *Engine) error
SetMaxIdleConns(conns int)
MaxIdleConns() int
SetMaxConns(conns int)
MaxConns() int
// Struct NoneConnectPool is a implement for IConnectPool. It provides directly invoke driver's
// open and release connection function
type NoneConnectPool struct {
// NewNoneConnectPool new a NoneConnectPool.
func NewNoneConnectPool() IConnectPool {
return &NoneConnectPool{}
// Init do nothing
func (p *NoneConnectPool) Init(engine *Engine) error {
return nil
// RetrieveDB directly open a connection
func (p *NoneConnectPool) RetrieveDB(engine *Engine) (db *sql.DB, err error) {
db, err = engine.OpenDB()
// ReleaseDB directly close a connection
func (p *NoneConnectPool) ReleaseDB(engine *Engine, db *sql.DB) {
// Close do nothing
func (p *NoneConnectPool) Close(engine *Engine) error {
return nil
func (p *NoneConnectPool) SetMaxIdleConns(conns int) {
func (p *NoneConnectPool) MaxIdleConns() int {
return 0
// not implemented
func (p *NoneConnectPool) SetMaxConns(conns int) {
// not implemented
func (p *NoneConnectPool) MaxConns() int {
return -1
// Struct SysConnectPool is a simple wrapper for using system default connection pool.
// About the system connection pool, you can review the code database/sql/sql.go
// It's currently default Pool implments.
type SysConnectPool struct {
db *sql.DB
maxIdleConns int
maxConns int
curConns int
mutex *sync.Mutex
queue *list.List
// NewSysConnectPool new a SysConnectPool.
func NewSysConnectPool() IConnectPool {
return &SysConnectPool{}
// Init create a db immediately and keep it util engine closed.
func (s *SysConnectPool) Init(engine *Engine) error {
db, err := engine.OpenDB()
if err != nil {
return err
s.db = db
s.maxIdleConns = 2
s.maxConns = -1
s.curConns = 0
s.mutex = &sync.Mutex{}
s.queue = list.New()
return nil
type node struct {
mutex sync.Mutex
cond *sync.Cond
func newCondNode() *node {
n := &node{}
n.cond = sync.NewCond(&n.mutex)
return n
// RetrieveDB just return the only db
func (s *SysConnectPool) RetrieveDB(engine *Engine) (db *sql.DB, err error) {
/*if s.maxConns > 0 {
fmt.Println("before retrieve")
for s.curConns >= s.maxConns {
fmt.Println("before waiting...", s.curConns, s.queue.Len())
n := NewNode()
fmt.Println("after waiting...", s.curConns, s.queue.Len())
s.curConns += 1
fmt.Println("after retrieve")
return s.db, nil
// ReleaseDB do nothing
func (s *SysConnectPool) ReleaseDB(engine *Engine, db *sql.DB) {
/*if s.maxConns > 0 {
fmt.Println("before release", s.queue.Len())
s.curConns -= 1
if e := s.queue.Front(); e != nil {
n := e.Value.(*node)
fmt.Println("after released", s.queue.Len())
// Close closed the only db
func (p *SysConnectPool) Close(engine *Engine) error {
return p.db.Close()
func (p *SysConnectPool) SetMaxIdleConns(conns int) {
p.maxIdleConns = conns
func (p *SysConnectPool) MaxIdleConns() int {
return p.maxIdleConns
// not implemented
func (p *SysConnectPool) SetMaxConns(conns int) {
p.maxConns = conns
// not implemented
func (p *SysConnectPool) MaxConns() int {
return p.maxConns
// NewSimpleConnectPool new a SimpleConnectPool
func NewSimpleConnectPool() IConnectPool {
return &SimpleConnectPool{releasedConnects: make([]*sql.DB, 10),
usingConnects: map[*sql.DB]time.Time{},
cur: -1,
maxWaitTimeOut: 14400,
maxIdleConns: 10,
mutex: &sync.Mutex{},
// Struct SimpleConnectPool is a simple implementation for IConnectPool.
// It's a custom connection pool and not use system connection pool.
// Opening or Closing a database connection must be enter a lock.
// This implements will be improved in furture.
type SimpleConnectPool struct {
releasedConnects []*sql.DB
cur int
usingConnects map[*sql.DB]time.Time
maxWaitTimeOut int
mutex *sync.Mutex
maxIdleConns int
func (s *SimpleConnectPool) Init(engine *Engine) error {
return nil
// RetrieveDB get a connection from connection pool
func (p *SimpleConnectPool) RetrieveDB(engine *Engine) (*sql.DB, error) {
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
var db *sql.DB = nil
var err error = nil
//fmt.Printf("%x, rbegin - released:%v, using:%v\n", &p, p.cur+1, len(p.usingConnects))
if p.cur < 0 {
db, err = engine.OpenDB()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
p.usingConnects[db] = time.Now()
} else {
db = p.releasedConnects[p.cur]
p.usingConnects[db] = time.Now()
p.releasedConnects[p.cur] = nil
p.cur = p.cur - 1
//fmt.Printf("%x, rend - released:%v, using:%v\n", &p, p.cur+1, len(p.usingConnects))
return db, nil
// ReleaseDB release a db from connection pool
func (p *SimpleConnectPool) ReleaseDB(engine *Engine, db *sql.DB) {
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
//fmt.Printf("%x, lbegin - released:%v, using:%v\n", &p, p.cur+1, len(p.usingConnects))
if p.cur >= p.maxIdleConns-1 {
} else {
p.cur = p.cur + 1
p.releasedConnects[p.cur] = db
delete(p.usingConnects, db)
//fmt.Printf("%x, lend - released:%v, using:%v\n", &p, p.cur+1, len(p.usingConnects))
// Close release all db
func (p *SimpleConnectPool) Close(engine *Engine) error {
defer p.mutex.Unlock()
for len(p.releasedConnects) > 0 {
p.releasedConnects = p.releasedConnects[1:]
return nil
func (p *SimpleConnectPool) SetMaxIdleConns(conns int) {
p.maxIdleConns = conns
func (p *SimpleConnectPool) MaxIdleConns() int {
return p.maxIdleConns
// not implemented
func (p *SimpleConnectPool) SetMaxConns(conns int) {
// not implemented
func (p *SimpleConnectPool) MaxConns() int {
return -1