
310 lines
7.2 KiB

package xorm
import (
type postgres struct {
type values map[string]string
func (vs values) Set(k, v string) {
vs[k] = v
func (vs values) Get(k string) (v string) {
return vs[k]
func errorf(s string, args ...interface{}) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("pq: %s", fmt.Sprintf(s, args...)))
func parseOpts(name string, o values) {
if len(name) == 0 {
name = strings.TrimSpace(name)
ps := strings.Split(name, " ")
for _, p := range ps {
kv := strings.Split(p, "=")
if len(kv) < 2 {
errorf("invalid option: %q", p)
o.Set(kv[0], kv[1])
type postgresParser struct {
func (p *postgresParser) parse(driverName, dataSourceName string) (*uri, error) {
db := &uri{dbType: POSTGRES}
o := make(values)
parseOpts(dataSourceName, o)
db.dbName = o.Get("dbname")
if db.dbName == "" {
return nil, errors.New("dbname is empty")
return db, nil
func (db *postgres) Init(drivername, uri string) error {
return db.base.init(&postgresParser{}, drivername, uri)
func (db *postgres) SqlType(c *Column) string {
var res string
switch t := c.SQLType.Name; t {
case TinyInt:
res = SmallInt
case MediumInt, Int, Integer:
if c.IsAutoIncrement {
return Serial
return Integer
case Serial, BigSerial:
c.IsAutoIncrement = true
c.Nullable = false
res = t
case Binary, VarBinary:
return Bytea
case DateTime:
res = TimeStamp
case TimeStampz:
return "timestamp with time zone"
case Float:
res = Real
case TinyText, MediumText, LongText:
res = Text
case Blob, TinyBlob, MediumBlob, LongBlob:
return Bytea
case Double:
if c.IsAutoIncrement {
return Serial
res = t
var hasLen1 bool = (c.Length > 0)
var hasLen2 bool = (c.Length2 > 0)
if hasLen1 {
res += "(" + strconv.Itoa(c.Length) + ")"
} else if hasLen2 {
res += "(" + strconv.Itoa(c.Length) + "," + strconv.Itoa(c.Length2) + ")"
return res
func (db *postgres) SupportInsertMany() bool {
return true
func (db *postgres) QuoteStr() string {
return "\""
func (db *postgres) AutoIncrStr() string {
return ""
func (db *postgres) SupportEngine() bool {
return false
func (db *postgres) SupportCharset() bool {
return false
func (db *postgres) IndexOnTable() bool {
return false
func (db *postgres) IndexCheckSql(tableName, idxName string) (string, []interface{}) {
args := []interface{}{tableName, idxName}
return `SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes ` +
`WHERE tablename = ? AND indexname = ?`, args
func (db *postgres) TableCheckSql(tableName string) (string, []interface{}) {
args := []interface{}{tableName}
return `SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename = ?`, args
func (db *postgres) ColumnCheckSql(tableName, colName string) (string, []interface{}) {
args := []interface{}{tableName, colName}
return "SELECT column_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = ?" +
" AND column_name = ?", args
func (db *postgres) GetColumns(tableName string) ([]string, map[string]*Column, error) {
args := []interface{}{tableName}
s := "SELECT column_name, column_default, is_nullable, data_type, character_maximum_length" +
", numeric_precision, numeric_precision_radix FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = $1"
cnn, err := sql.Open(db.driverName, db.dataSourceName)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
defer cnn.Close()
res, err := query(cnn, s, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cols := make(map[string]*Column)
colSeq := make([]string, 0)
for _, record := range res {
col := new(Column)
col.Indexes = make(map[string]bool)
for name, content := range record {
switch name {
case "column_name":
col.Name = strings.Trim(string(content), `" `)
case "column_default":
if strings.HasPrefix(string(content), "nextval") {
col.IsPrimaryKey = true
} else {
col.Default = string(content)
case "is_nullable":
if string(content) == "YES" {
col.Nullable = true
} else {
col.Nullable = false
case "data_type":
ct := string(content)
switch ct {
case "character varying", "character":
col.SQLType = SQLType{Varchar, 0, 0}
case "timestamp without time zone":
col.SQLType = SQLType{DateTime, 0, 0}
case "timestamp with time zone":
col.SQLType = SQLType{TimeStampz, 0, 0}
case "double precision":
col.SQLType = SQLType{Double, 0, 0}
case "boolean":
col.SQLType = SQLType{Bool, 0, 0}
case "time without time zone":
col.SQLType = SQLType{Time, 0, 0}
col.SQLType = SQLType{strings.ToUpper(ct), 0, 0}
if _, ok := sqlTypes[col.SQLType.Name]; !ok {
return nil, nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("unkonw colType %v", ct))
case "character_maximum_length":
i, err := strconv.Atoi(string(content))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.New("retrieve length error")
col.Length = i
case "numeric_precision":
case "numeric_precision_radix":
if col.SQLType.IsText() {
if col.Default != "" {
col.Default = "'" + col.Default + "'"
cols[col.Name] = col
colSeq = append(colSeq, col.Name)
return colSeq, cols, nil
func (db *postgres) GetTables() ([]*Table, error) {
args := []interface{}{}
s := "SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables where schemaname = 'public'"
cnn, err := sql.Open(db.driverName, db.dataSourceName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer cnn.Close()
res, err := query(cnn, s, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tables := make([]*Table, 0)
for _, record := range res {
table := new(Table)
for name, content := range record {
switch name {
case "tablename":
table.Name = string(content)
tables = append(tables, table)
return tables, nil
func (db *postgres) GetIndexes(tableName string) (map[string]*Index, error) {
args := []interface{}{tableName}
s := "SELECT tablename, indexname, indexdef FROM pg_indexes WHERE schemaname = 'public' and tablename = $1"
cnn, err := sql.Open(db.driverName, db.dataSourceName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer cnn.Close()
res, err := query(cnn, s, args...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
indexes := make(map[string]*Index, 0)
for _, record := range res {
var indexType int
var indexName string
var colNames []string
for name, content := range record {
switch name {
case "indexname":
indexName = strings.Trim(string(content), `" `)
case "indexdef":
c := string(content)
if strings.HasPrefix(c, "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX") {
indexType = UniqueType
} else {
indexType = IndexType
cs := strings.Split(c, "(")
colNames = strings.Split(cs[1][0:len(cs[1])-1], ",")
if strings.HasSuffix(indexName, "_pkey") {
if strings.HasPrefix(indexName, "IDX_"+tableName) || strings.HasPrefix(indexName, "UQE_"+tableName) {
newIdxName := indexName[5+len(tableName) : len(indexName)]
if newIdxName != "" {
indexName = newIdxName
index := &Index{Name: indexName, Type: indexType, Cols: make([]string, 0)}
for _, colName := range colNames {
index.Cols = append(index.Cols, strings.Trim(colName, `" `))
indexes[index.Name] = index
return indexes, nil