Daniel Lee 84fd68deb7 Postgres dialect parse password with spaces (#775) (#779)
Fixes #775 This fixes two problems - the postgres dialect can parse a
connection string in url format that has a password with spaces. If an
error occurs the Parse func returns an error instead of panicking.
2017-11-17 23:41:52 +08:00

45 lines
1.4 KiB

package xorm
import (
func TestPostgresDialect(t *testing.T) {
func TestParse(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
in string
expected string
valid bool
{"postgres://auser:password@localhost:5432/db?sslmode=disable", "db", true},
{"postgresql://auser:password@localhost:5432/db?sslmode=disable", "db", true},
{"postg://auser:password@localhost:5432/db?sslmode=disable", "db", false},
{"postgres://auser:pass with space@localhost:5432/db?sslmode=disable", "db", true},
{"postgres:// auser : password@localhost:5432/db?sslmode=disable", "db", true},
{"postgres://%20auser%20:pass%20with%20space@localhost:5432/db?sslmode=disable", "db", true},
{"postgres://auser:パスワード@localhost:5432/データベース?sslmode=disable", "データベース", true},
{"dbname=db sslmode=disable", "db", true},
{"user=auser password=password dbname=db sslmode=disable", "db", true},
{"", "db", false},
{"dbname=db =disable", "db", false},
driver := core.QueryDriver("postgres")
for _, test := range tests {
uri, err := driver.Parse("postgres", test.in)
if err != nil && test.valid {
t.Errorf("%q got unexpected error: %s", test.in, err)
} else if err == nil && !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expected, uri.DbName) {
t.Errorf("%q got: %#v want: %#v", test.in, uri.DbName, test.expected)