DrWrong(Yuhang) f16ce722ec Fix BUG: Update statement build function should ingore ONLYFROMDB fields (#1012)
* Fix BUG: Update statement build function should ingore ONLYFROMDB fields

* Add test case

* Modify test case
2018-06-23 14:59:01 +08:00

240 lines
5.6 KiB

// Copyright 2017 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package xorm
import (
var colStrTests = []struct {
omitColumn string
onlyToDBColumnNdx int
expected string
{"", -1, "`ID`, `IsDeleted`, `Caption`, `Code1`, `Code2`, `Code3`, `ParentID`, `Latitude`, `Longitude`"},
{"Code2", -1, "`ID`, `IsDeleted`, `Caption`, `Code1`, `Code3`, `ParentID`, `Latitude`, `Longitude`"},
{"", 1, "`ID`, `Caption`, `Code1`, `Code2`, `Code3`, `ParentID`, `Latitude`, `Longitude`"},
{"Code3", 1, "`ID`, `Caption`, `Code1`, `Code2`, `ParentID`, `Latitude`, `Longitude`"},
{"Longitude", 1, "`ID`, `Caption`, `Code1`, `Code2`, `Code3`, `ParentID`, `Latitude`"},
{"", 8, "`ID`, `IsDeleted`, `Caption`, `Code1`, `Code2`, `Code3`, `ParentID`, `Latitude`"},
func TestColumnsStringGeneration(t *testing.T) {
if dbType == "postgres" || dbType == "mssql" {
var statement *Statement
for ndx, testCase := range colStrTests {
statement = createTestStatement()
if testCase.omitColumn != "" {
columns := statement.RefTable.Columns()
if testCase.onlyToDBColumnNdx >= 0 {
columns[testCase.onlyToDBColumnNdx].MapType = core.ONLYTODB
actual := statement.genColumnStr()
if actual != testCase.expected {
t.Errorf("[test #%d] Unexpected columns string:\nwant:\t%s\nhave:\t%s", ndx, testCase.expected, actual)
if testCase.onlyToDBColumnNdx >= 0 {
columns[testCase.onlyToDBColumnNdx].MapType = core.TWOSIDES
func BenchmarkColumnsStringGeneration(b *testing.B) {
statement := createTestStatement()
testCase := colStrTests[0]
if testCase.omitColumn != "" {
statement.Omit(testCase.omitColumn) // !nemec784! Column must be skipped
if testCase.onlyToDBColumnNdx >= 0 {
columns := statement.RefTable.Columns()
columns[testCase.onlyToDBColumnNdx].MapType = core.ONLYTODB // !nemec784! Column must be skipped
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
actual := statement.genColumnStr()
if actual != testCase.expected {
b.Errorf("Unexpected columns string:\nwant:\t%s\nhave:\t%s", testCase.expected, actual)
func BenchmarkGetFlagForColumnWithICKey_ContainsKey(b *testing.B) {
mapCols := make(map[string]bool)
cols := []*core.Column{
{Name: `ID`},
{Name: `IsDeleted`},
{Name: `Caption`},
{Name: `Code1`},
{Name: `Code2`},
{Name: `Code3`},
{Name: `ParentID`},
{Name: `Latitude`},
{Name: `Longitude`},
for _, col := range cols {
mapCols[strings.ToLower(col.Name)] = true
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
for _, col := range cols {
if _, ok := getFlagForColumn(mapCols, col); !ok {
b.Fatal("Unexpected result")
func BenchmarkGetFlagForColumnWithICKey_EmptyMap(b *testing.B) {
mapCols := make(map[string]bool)
cols := []*core.Column{
{Name: `ID`},
{Name: `IsDeleted`},
{Name: `Caption`},
{Name: `Code1`},
{Name: `Code2`},
{Name: `Code3`},
{Name: `ParentID`},
{Name: `Latitude`},
{Name: `Longitude`},
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
for _, col := range cols {
if _, ok := getFlagForColumn(mapCols, col); ok {
b.Fatal("Unexpected result")
type TestType struct {
ID int64 `xorm:"ID PK"`
IsDeleted bool `xorm:"IsDeleted"`
Caption string `xorm:"Caption"`
Code1 string `xorm:"Code1"`
Code2 string `xorm:"Code2"`
Code3 string `xorm:"Code3"`
ParentID int64 `xorm:"ParentID"`
Latitude float64 `xorm:"Latitude"`
Longitude float64 `xorm:"Longitude"`
func (TestType) TableName() string {
return "TestTable"
func createTestStatement() *Statement {
if engine, ok := testEngine.(*Engine); ok {
statement := &Statement{}
statement.Engine = engine
return statement
} else if eg, ok := testEngine.(*EngineGroup); ok {
statement := &Statement{}
statement.Engine = eg.Engine
return statement
return nil
func TestDistinctAndCols(t *testing.T) {
type DistinctAndCols struct {
Id int64
Name string
assert.NoError(t, prepareEngine())
assertSync(t, new(DistinctAndCols))
cnt, err := testEngine.Insert(&DistinctAndCols{
Name: "test",
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.EqualValues(t, 1, cnt)
var names []string
err = testEngine.Table("distinct_and_cols").Cols("name").Distinct("name").Find(&names)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.EqualValues(t, 1, len(names))
assert.EqualValues(t, "test", names[0])
func TestUpdateIgnoreOnlyFromDBFields(t *testing.T) {
type TestOnlyFromDBField struct {
Id int64 `xorm:"PK"`
OnlyFromDBField string `xorm:"<-"`
OnlyToDBField string `xorm:"->"`
IngoreField string `xorm:"-"`
assertGetRecord := func() *TestOnlyFromDBField {
var record TestOnlyFromDBField
has, err := testEngine.Where("id = ?", 1).Get(&record)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.EqualValues(t, true, has)
assert.EqualValues(t, "", record.OnlyFromDBField)
return &record
assert.NoError(t, prepareEngine())
assertSync(t, new(TestOnlyFromDBField))
_, err := testEngine.Insert(&TestOnlyFromDBField{
Id: 1,
OnlyFromDBField: "a",
OnlyToDBField: "b",
IngoreField: "c",
assert.NoError(t, err)
record := assertGetRecord()
record.OnlyFromDBField = "test"