2022-01-17 18:05:20 -03:00

32 lines
958 B

# enby bot dictionary
welcome to the enby bot dictionary. this is the file that enby bot (EnbyBot@botsin.space) gets the sentences and word from.
## formatting
### "(choice) enby"
enby bot normally posts stuff in the following format
```(choice) enby```
`choice` is whatever line that was randomly picked from `dictionary.txt`. so for example if it chose line 1 "lovely", it will post the following
```lovely enby```
### "(choice)"
alternatively, if the line starts with "**" (ignore quotation marks), then it is shown in format
without the enby. so for example if it chose line 217 "enbies are cool", it will post the following
```enbies are cool```
## ignore this
btw, lines 1 and 217, used in the examples above, are actually present on the `dictionary.txt` file!
## contributing
you can suggest stuff, just contact me at mastodon or open an issue with the changes you want being made, or a pull request with the added words.