2020-08-28 20:28:28 +02:00

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Login.py is a simple library for Flask that makes you able to handle login easily without getting plenty of useless lines of code.


Quick installation

This method doesn't install the depedencies

pip3 install git+https://gitea.com/chopin42/login.py

I am not using the main PyPI website because the code don't work where it comes from the main PyPI, and also for flexibility reasons.

Full installation using PIP

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
git clone https://gitea.com/chopin42/login.py && cd login.py
pip3 install -r requirements.txt && pip3 install .

Full installation using Makefile

git clone https://gitea.com/chopin42/login.py && cd login.py
make debian # You can also run "make install" or "make fedora"


You can find the full demo of login.py here. You can also find the source code of login.py here.

To test the app you can run:

git clone https://gitea.com/chopin42/login.py && cd login.py
make install && make run

Then you can test the pages register, login, locked and logout.

initLogin(app, db)

This function is used to create the User class. Having this function is necessary for the rest of the program. Without this, the Users cannot get stored into the database.

from flask import Flask, request
from flask_login import UserMixin
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from login import *

# Create the "app" and "db" variables
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///database.db'
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'aghzi vnguierhtrutizo hard to guess indeeed'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

# Create the User class and add it to the database
User = initLogin(app, db)

createUser(username, password, db, User)

This function is used to sign up a new user into the database. This is an example of usage:

@app.route('/register/post', methods=['POST'])
def register():
        createUser(request.form['username'], request.form['password'], db, User)
        return "New user created you are now logged in as " + current_user.username
    		return "This username is already taken"

loginUser(username, password, User)

This function is used to login a user, that means that the user must already be in the database.

@app.route('/login/post', methods=['POST'])
def login():
        loginUser(request.form['username'], request.form['password'], User)
        return "You are now logged in as " + current_user.username
    		return "Invalid username or password"


This is not a function from login.py, but a function from flask_login. The usage of this function is very simple:

def logout(): 
    return "You are now logged out."


When you add this line under a url route, it locks the page to the logged in users. The users that are not logged will have a Unauthorized error showing up.

@login_required # Using login_required to make a page private
def locked(): 
	return "Hello " + current_user.username + " welcome to your private page."