mirror of https://gitlab.com/xn-02f/react-boilerplate synced 2023-04-22 17:56:08 +00:00
React Boilerplate: React + Babel + Webpack, to facilitate website development. https://xn-02f.gitlab.io/react-boilerplate
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huiyifyj b1808eb369
Upgrade dependencies
- axios: 1.1.3 => 1.3.4
- dayjs: 1.11.5 => 1.11.7
- tailwindcss: 3.1.8 => 3.3.1
- @babel/core: 7.19.3 => 7.21.4
- @babel/preset-env: 7.19.4 => 7.21.4
- @babel/register: 7.18.9 => 7.21.0
- autoprefixer: 10.4.12 => 10.4.14
- babel-loader: 8.2.5 => 9.1.2
- mini-css-extract-plugin: 2.6.1 => 2.7.5
- node-sass: 7.0.3 => 8.0.0
- postcss-loader: 7.0.1 => 7.1.0
- sass-loader: 13.1.0 => 13.2.2
- style-loader: 3.3.1 => 3.3.2
- webpack: 5.74.0 => 5.77.0
- webpack-dev-server: 4.11.1 => 4.13.2
2023-04-03 01:39:38 +08:00
config Migrate webpack-dev-server to v4 2022-05-28 21:39:25 +08:00
src Update the name of attribute to conform to react standard 2020-05-08 00:49:52 +08:00
.babelrc Initialize repository and specificate files 2019-05-26 17:17:44 +08:00
.editorconfig Fix editorconfig by removing blank space between exact files 2020-05-07 00:32:00 +08:00
.gitignore Use html-webpack-plugin to inject assets 2020-10-11 20:08:02 +08:00
.gitlab-ci.yml Update .gitlab-ci.yml file for last commit 2020-10-11 20:16:35 +08:00
index.html Use html-webpack-plugin to inject assets 2020-10-11 20:08:02 +08:00
index.js Initialize repository and specificate files 2019-05-26 17:17:44 +08:00
LICENSE Create LICENSE file, MIT. 2019-06-05 00:30:39 +08:00
package.json Upgrade dependencies 2023-04-03 01:39:38 +08:00
README.md Add README.md file 2020-06-07 00:38:28 +08:00

React Boilerplate

A react boilerplate to facilitate website development.


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