Blog 1.12.5 #141

techknowlogick merged 1 commits from jolheiser/blog:1.12.5 into master 2020-10-02 02:07:40 +00:00

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
date: "2020-10-01T04:00:00+00:00"
author: "jolheiser"
title: "Gitea 1.12.5 is released"
tags: ["release"]
draft: false
We are proud to present the release of Gitea version 1.12.5.
We highly encourage users to update to this version for some important bug-fixes.
We have merged [25]( pull requests to release this version.
You can download one of our pre-built binaries from our [downloads page]( - make sure to select the correct platform! For further details on how to install, follow our [installation guide](
We would also like to thank all of our supporters on [Open Collective]( who are helping to sustain us financially.
## Changelog
## [1.12.5]( - 2020-10-01
* gitea dump: include version & Check InstallLock ([#12760]( ([#12762](
* Allow U2F with default settings for gitea in subpath ([#12990]( ([#13001](
* Prevent empty div when editing comment ([#12404]( ([#12991](
* On mirror update also update address in DB ([#12964]( ([#12967](
* Allow extended config on cron settings ([#12939]( ([#12943](
* Open transaction when adding Avatar email-hash pairs to the DB ([#12577]( ([#12940](
* Fix internal server error from ListUserOrgs API ([#12910]( ([#12915](
* Update only the repository columns that need updating ([#12900]( ([#12912](
* Fix panic when adding long comment ([#12892]( ([#12894](
* Add size limit for content of comment on action ui ([#12881]( ([#12890](
* Convert User expose ID each time ([#12855]( ([#12883](
* Support slashes in release tags ([#12864]( ([#12882](
* Add missing information to CreateRepo API endpoint ([#12848]( ([#12867](
* On Migration respect old DefaultBranch ([#12843]( ([#12858](
* Fix notifications page links ([#12838]( ([#12853](
* Stop cloning unnecessarily on PR update ([#12839]( ([#12852](
* Escape more things that are passed through str2html ([#12622]( ([#12850](
* Remove double escape on labels addition in comments ([#12809]( ([#12810](
* Fix "only mail on mention" bug ([#12775]( ([#12789](
* Fix yet another bug with diff file names ([#12771]( ([#12776](
* RepoInit Respect AlternateDefaultBranch ([#12746]( ([#12751](
* Fix Avatar Resize (resize algo NearestNeighbor -> Bilinear) ([#12745]( ([#12750](