feat(service-monitor): support bearer token authentication on metrics endpoint #637

hiteshnayak305 wants to merge 6 commits from hiteshnayak305/helm-chart:main into main
First-time contributor

Description of the change


Can protect metrics endpoint when monitoring using ServiceMonitor of prometheus-operator.

Possible drawbacks

No possible drawbacks

Applicable issues

Additional information

      # ENABLED: true
      TOKEN: "somepassword"
    enabled: true
      enabled: true

Using above configuration will not give 401 authentication after changes.


No breaking changes


  • Parameters are documented in the values.yaml and added to the README.md using readme-generator-for-helm
  • Breaking changes are documented in the README.md
  • Templating unittests are added

Signed-off-by: Hitesh Nayak hiteshnayak305@gmail.com

<!-- Before you open the request please review the following guidelines and tips to help it be more easily integrated: - Describe the scope of your change - i.e. what the change does. - Describe any known limitations with your change. - Please run any tests or examples that can exercise your modified code. Thank you for contributing! We will try to review, test and integrate the change as soon as we can. --> ### Description of the change <!-- Describe the scope of your change - i.e. what the change does. --> ### Benefits <!-- What benefits will be realized by the code change? --> Can protect metrics endpoint when monitoring using ServiceMonitor of prometheus-operator. ### Possible drawbacks No possible drawbacks <!-- Describe any known limitations with your change --> ### Applicable issues <!-- Enter any applicable Issues here (You can reference an issue using #). Please remove this section if there is no referenced issue. --> - fixes #635 ### Additional information <!-- If there's anything else that's important and relevant to your pull request, mention that information here. Please remove this section if it remains empty. --> ``` gitea: config: metrics: # ENABLED: true TOKEN: "somepassword" metrics: enabled: true serviceMonitor: enabled: true ``` Using above configuration will not give 401 authentication after changes. ### ⚠ BREAKING <!-- If there's a breaking change, please shortly describe in which way users are affected and how they can mitigate it. If there are no breakings, please remove this section. --> No breaking changes ### Checklist <!-- [Place an '[X]' (no spaces) in all applicable fields. Please remove unrelated fields.] --> - ~~Parameters are documented in the `values.yaml` and added to the `README.md` using [readme-generator-for-helm](https://github.com/bitnami-labs/readme-generator-for-helm)~~ - ~~Breaking changes are documented in the `README.md`~~ - [X] Templating unittests are added Signed-off-by: Hitesh Nayak <hiteshnayak305@gmail.com>
hiteshnayak305 added 1 commit 2024-04-03 21:05:28 +00:00
feat(service-monitor): support bearer token authentication on metrics endpoint
Signed-off-by: Hitesh Nayak <hiteshnayak305@gmail.com>
Some checks failed
check-and-test / check-and-test (pull_request) Has been cancelled

@hiteshnayak305 You checked the "unittests are added" checkbox in the checklist. I cannot find them. Please add meaningful ones. Think of edge cases, if any.
Unittests are required to get this PR merged. 🙂

@hiteshnayak305 You checked the "unittests are added" checkbox in the checklist. I cannot find them. Please add meaningful ones. Think of edge cases, if any. Unittests are required to get this PR merged. 🙂
First-time contributor

👍 will try this weekend

👍 will try this weekend
hiteshnayak305 added 2 commits 2024-04-10 17:35:41 +00:00
fix: render secret when gitea.metrics.serviceMonitor is enabled
Signed-off-by: Hitesh Nayak <hiteshnayak305@gmail.com>
fix: introduce unit tests for service monitor and metrics secret
Signed-off-by: Hitesh Nayak <hiteshnayak305@gmail.com>
All checks were successful
check-and-test / check-and-test (pull_request) Successful in 35s
First-time contributor

In current configuration ServiceMonitor is created even if gitea.metrics.enabled = false and gitea.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled = true. It will be in Prometheus targets but failing with 404. Is it alright ?

In current configuration `ServiceMonitor` is created even if `gitea.metrics.enabled = false` and `gitea.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled = true`. It will be in Prometheus targets but failing with 404. Is it alright ?


In current configuration ServiceMonitor is created even if gitea.metrics.enabled = false and gitea.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled = true. It will be in Prometheus targets but failing with 404. Is it alright ?

Good catch. I guess that's a tricky one to fix, if possible right now. You can configure the metrics settings for app.ini within configmaps or secrets that are read when a release is already applied to the cluster. At that point you already had to make the decision to render the servicemonitor or not to render it.
I think the current situation is ok. If an admin intend to monitor Gitea, this will be noticed shortly after applying the release. 🙂

@hiteshnayak305 >In current configuration `ServiceMonitor` is created even if `gitea.metrics.enabled = false` and `gitea.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled = true`. It will be in Prometheus targets but failing with 404. Is it alright ? Good catch. I guess that's a tricky one to fix, if possible right now. You can configure the metrics settings for app.ini within configmaps or secrets that are read when a release is already applied to the cluster. At that point you already had to make the decision to render the servicemonitor or not to render it. I think the current situation is ok. If an admin intend to monitor Gitea, this will be noticed shortly after applying the release. 🙂
hiteshnayak305 added 1 commit 2024-04-11 04:00:26 +00:00
Merge branch 'main' into main
All checks were successful
check-and-test / check-and-test (pull_request) Successful in 36s

Maybe worth adding a note into the README?

Maybe worth adding a note into the README?
hiteshnayak305 added 1 commit 2024-04-19 10:26:22 +00:00
doc: add secure /metrics example in README
Signed-off-by: Hitesh Nayak <hiteshnayak305@gmail.com>
All checks were successful
check-and-test / check-and-test (pull_request) Successful in 38s
pat-s reviewed 2024-04-23 07:15:42 +00:00
README.md Outdated
@ -727,1 +728,4 @@
### Secure Metrics Endpoint
Metrics endpoint `/metrics` can be secured using `Bearer` token authentication. Providing non-empty `TOKEN` value will also add authentication parameters to `ServiceMonitor`.

Metrics endpoint /metrics can be secured by using Bearer token authentication.
Note: Providing a non-empty TOKEN value will also require authentication for ServiceMonitor.

Metrics endpoint `/metrics` can be secured by using `Bearer` token authentication. **Note**: Providing a non-empty `TOKEN` value will also require authentication for `ServiceMonitor`.
hiteshnayak305 added 1 commit 2024-04-26 11:29:53 +00:00
doc: fix metrics secure endpoint documentation
Signed-off-by: Hitesh Nayak <hiteshnayak305@gmail.com>
All checks were successful
check-and-test / check-and-test (pull_request) Successful in 38s
All checks were successful
check-and-test / check-and-test (pull_request) Successful in 38s
This pull request can be merged automatically.
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From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes.
git fetch -u main:hiteshnayak305-main
git checkout hiteshnayak305-main
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