use s3browser caddy image #39

lunny merged 2 commits from unknown repository into master 2018-11-18 18:35:11 +00:00

Instead of having Caddy serve files from disk, this connects to Minio directly. This allows for in the future of potentially uploading binaries directly to DO spaces.

Note: Files on Minio may need to be set to public so they can be downloaded directly.

Instead of having Caddy serve files from disk, this connects to Minio directly. This allows for in the future of potentially uploading binaries directly to DO spaces. Note: Files on Minio may need to be set to public so they can be downloaded directly.
lafriks commented 2018-11-15 14:44:25 +00:00 (Migrated from

ping @bkcsoft, can you run this when merged?

ping @bkcsoft, can you run this when merged?
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