Drop features to reduce friction on first use #395

noerw wants to merge 5 commits from noerw/tea:drop-features into main
2 changed files with 9 additions and 24 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 6c3d1358a6 - Show all commits

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ var LoginFlag = cli.StringFlag{
var RepoFlag = cli.StringFlag{
Name: "repo",
Aliases: []string{"r"},
Usage: "Override local repository path or gitea repository slug to interact with. Optional",
Usage: "Override remote repository to interact with. Optional. Format: `repo` or `owner/repo`",
// OutputFlag provides flag to specify output type

@ -82,35 +82,20 @@ func InitCommand(ctx *cli.Context) *TeaContext {
loginFlag := ctx.String("login")
var (
c TeaContext
err error
repoPath string // empty means PWD
repoFlagPathExists bool
c TeaContext
err error
// check if repoFlag can be interpreted as path to local repo.
if len(repoFlag) != 0 {
if repoFlagPathExists, err = utils.DirExists(repoFlag); err != nil {
// try to read git repo & extract context, ignoring if PWD is not a repo
if c.LocalRepo, c.Login, c.RepoSlug, err = contextFromLocalRepo(""); err != nil {
if err == errNotAGiteaRepo || err == gogit.ErrRepositoryNotExists {
// we can deal with that, commands needing the optional values use ctx.Ensure()
} else {
if repoFlagPathExists {
repoPath = repoFlag
if len(repoFlag) == 0 || repoFlagPathExists {
// try to read git repo & extract context, ignoring if PWD is not a repo
if c.LocalRepo, c.Login, c.RepoSlug, err = contextFromLocalRepo(repoPath); err != nil {
if err == errNotAGiteaRepo || err == gogit.ErrRepositoryNotExists {
// we can deal with that, commands needing the optional values use ctx.Ensure()
} else {
if len(repoFlag) != 0 && !repoFlagPathExists {
// if repoFlag is not a valid path, use it to override repoSlug
if len(repoFlag) != 0 {
c.RepoSlug = repoFlag