  • Joined on 2020-07-31
jdkendall commented on issue xorm/xorm#1743 2020-07-31 07:38:53 +00:00
Error 1054: Unknown column 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.ORDINAL_POSITION' in 'order clause'

I've created a PR that should hopefully address this - running 8.0.17 MySQL, I was able to resolve the error by removing the database identifier in the ORDER BY clause. Manual testing of the query returned correct values for the ordinals.

This appears to have been introduced in this commit: 7e6331c666

jdkendall created pull request xorm/xorm#1751 2020-07-31 07:36:01 +00:00
WIP: Fix mysql dialect error from invalid db identifier in orderby clause (#1743)
jdkendall pushed to mysql-dialect/orderby-clause-error at jdkendall/xorm 2020-07-31 07:34:29 +00:00
8a721972b8 Fix mysql dialect error from invalid db identifier in orderby clause (#1743)
jdkendall created repository jdkendall/xorm 2020-07-31 07:27:51 +00:00