This repository has been archived on 2020-07-09. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
jolheiser 22f1357770
Update master
Signed-off-by: jolheiser <>
2020-02-02 14:18:39 -06:00

436 lines
40 KiB

# Go API client for gitea
This documentation describes the Gitea API.
## Overview
This API client was generated by the [swagger-codegen]( project. By using the [swagger-spec]( from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 1.1.1
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen
## Installation
Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:
import "./gitea"
## Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to *http://localhost/api/v1*
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
*AdminApi* | [**AdminCreateOrg**](docs/ | **Post** /admin/users/{username}/orgs | Create an organization
*AdminApi* | [**AdminCreatePublicKey**](docs/ | **Post** /admin/users/{username}/keys | Add a public key on behalf of a user
*AdminApi* | [**AdminCreateRepo**](docs/ | **Post** /admin/users/{username}/repos | Create a repository on behalf of a user
*AdminApi* | [**AdminCreateUser**](docs/ | **Post** /admin/users | Create a user
*AdminApi* | [**AdminDeleteUser**](docs/ | **Delete** /admin/users/{username} | Delete a user
*AdminApi* | [**AdminDeleteUserPublicKey**](docs/ | **Delete** /admin/users/{username}/keys/{id} | Delete a user&#39;s public key
*AdminApi* | [**AdminEditUser**](docs/ | **Patch** /admin/users/{username} | Edit an existing user
*AdminApi* | [**AdminGetAllOrgs**](docs/ | **Get** /admin/orgs | List all organizations
*AdminApi* | [**AdminGetAllUsers**](docs/ | **Get** /admin/users | List all users
*IssueApi* | [**IssueAddLabel**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/labels | Add a label to an issue
*IssueApi* | [**IssueAddSubscription**](docs/ | **Put** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/subscriptions/{user} | Subscribe user to issue
*IssueApi* | [**IssueAddTime**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/times | Add tracked time to a issue
*IssueApi* | [**IssueClearLabels**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/labels | Remove all labels from an issue
*IssueApi* | [**IssueCreateComment**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/comments | Add a comment to an issue
*IssueApi* | [**IssueCreateIssue**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues | Create an issue. If using deadline only the date will be taken into account, and time of day ignored.
*IssueApi* | [**IssueCreateLabel**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/labels | Create a label
*IssueApi* | [**IssueCreateMilestone**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/milestones | Create a milestone
*IssueApi* | [**IssueDeleteComment**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/comments/{id} | Delete a comment
*IssueApi* | [**IssueDeleteCommentDeprecated**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/comments/{id} | Delete a comment
*IssueApi* | [**IssueDeleteCommentReaction**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/comments/{id}/reactions | Remove a reaction from a comment of an issue
*IssueApi* | [**IssueDeleteIssueReaction**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/reactions | Remove a reaction from an issue
*IssueApi* | [**IssueDeleteLabel**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/labels/{id} | Delete a label
*IssueApi* | [**IssueDeleteMilestone**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/milestones/{id} | Delete a milestone
*IssueApi* | [**IssueDeleteStopWatch**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/stopwatch/delete | Delete an issue&#39;s existing stopwatch.
*IssueApi* | [**IssueDeleteSubscription**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/subscriptions/{user} | Unsubscribe user from issue
*IssueApi* | [**IssueDeleteTime**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/times/{id} | Delete specific tracked time
*IssueApi* | [**IssueEditComment**](docs/ | **Patch** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/comments/{id} | Edit a comment
*IssueApi* | [**IssueEditCommentDeprecated**](docs/ | **Patch** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/comments/{id} | Edit a comment
*IssueApi* | [**IssueEditIssue**](docs/ | **Patch** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index} | Edit an issue. If using deadline only the date will be taken into account, and time of day ignored.
*IssueApi* | [**IssueEditIssueDeadline**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/deadline | Set an issue deadline. If set to null, the deadline is deleted. If using deadline only the date will be taken into account, and time of day ignored.
*IssueApi* | [**IssueEditLabel**](docs/ | **Patch** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/labels/{id} | Update a label
*IssueApi* | [**IssueEditMilestone**](docs/ | **Patch** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/milestones/{id} | Update a milestone
*IssueApi* | [**IssueGetComment**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/comments/{id} | Get a comment
*IssueApi* | [**IssueGetCommentReactions**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/comments/{id}/reactions | Get a list of reactions from a comment of an issue
*IssueApi* | [**IssueGetComments**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/comments | List all comments on an issue
*IssueApi* | [**IssueGetIssue**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index} | Get an issue
*IssueApi* | [**IssueGetIssueReactions**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/reactions | Get a list reactions of an issue
*IssueApi* | [**IssueGetLabel**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/labels/{id} | Get a single label
*IssueApi* | [**IssueGetLabels**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/labels | Get an issue&#39;s labels
*IssueApi* | [**IssueGetMilestone**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/milestones/{id} | Get a milestone
*IssueApi* | [**IssueGetMilestonesList**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/milestones | Get all of a repository&#39;s opened milestones
*IssueApi* | [**IssueGetRepoComments**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/comments | List all comments in a repository
*IssueApi* | [**IssueListIssues**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues | List a repository&#39;s issues
*IssueApi* | [**IssueListLabels**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/labels | Get all of a repository&#39;s labels
*IssueApi* | [**IssuePostCommentReaction**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/comments/{id}/reactions | Add a reaction to a comment of an issue
*IssueApi* | [**IssuePostIssueReaction**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/reactions | Add a reaction to an issue
*IssueApi* | [**IssueRemoveLabel**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/labels/{id} | Remove a label from an issue
*IssueApi* | [**IssueReplaceLabels**](docs/ | **Put** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/labels | Replace an issue&#39;s labels
*IssueApi* | [**IssueResetTime**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/times | Reset a tracked time of an issue
*IssueApi* | [**IssueSearchIssues**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/issues/search | Search for issues across the repositories that the user has access to
*IssueApi* | [**IssueStartStopWatch**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/stopwatch/start | Start stopwatch on an issue.
*IssueApi* | [**IssueStopStopWatch**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/stopwatch/stop | Stop an issue&#39;s existing stopwatch.
*IssueApi* | [**IssueSubscriptions**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/subscriptions | Get users who subscribed on an issue.
*IssueApi* | [**IssueTrackedTimes**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{index}/times | List an issue&#39;s tracked times
*MiscellaneousApi* | [**GetSigningKey**](docs/ | **Get** /signing-key.gpg | Get default signing-key.gpg
*MiscellaneousApi* | [**GetVersion**](docs/ | **Get** /version | Returns the version of the Gitea application
*MiscellaneousApi* | [**RenderMarkdown**](docs/ | **Post** /markdown | Render a markdown document as HTML
*MiscellaneousApi* | [**RenderMarkdownRaw**](docs/ | **Post** /markdown/raw | Render raw markdown as HTML
*NotificationApi* | [**NotifyGetList**](docs/ | **Get** /notifications | List users&#39;s notification threads
*NotificationApi* | [**NotifyGetRepoList**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/notifications | List users&#39;s notification threads on a specific repo
*NotificationApi* | [**NotifyGetThread**](docs/ | **Get** /notifications/threads/{id} | Get notification thread by ID
*NotificationApi* | [**NotifyNewAvailable**](docs/ | **Get** /notifications/new | Check if unread notifications exist
*NotificationApi* | [**NotifyReadList**](docs/ | **Put** /notifications | Mark notification threads as read
*NotificationApi* | [**NotifyReadRepoList**](docs/ | **Put** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/notifications | Mark notification threads as read on a specific repo
*NotificationApi* | [**NotifyReadThread**](docs/ | **Patch** /notifications/threads/{id} | Mark notification thread as read by ID
*OrganizationApi* | [**CreateOrgRepo**](docs/ | **Post** /orgs/{org}/repos | Create a repository in an organization
*OrganizationApi* | [**CreateOrgRepoDeprecated**](docs/ | **Post** /org/{org}/repos | Create a repository in an organization
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgAddTeamMember**](docs/ | **Put** /teams/{id}/members/{username} | Add a team member
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgAddTeamRepository**](docs/ | **Put** /teams/{id}/repos/{org}/{repo} | Add a repository to a team
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgConcealMember**](docs/ | **Delete** /orgs/{org}/public_members/{username} | Conceal a user&#39;s membership
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgCreate**](docs/ | **Post** /orgs | Create an organization
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgCreateHook**](docs/ | **Post** /orgs/{org}/hooks/ | Create a hook
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgCreateTeam**](docs/ | **Post** /orgs/{org}/teams | Create a team
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgDelete**](docs/ | **Delete** /orgs/{org} | Delete an organization
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgDeleteHook**](docs/ | **Delete** /orgs/{org}/hooks/{id} | Delete a hook
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgDeleteMember**](docs/ | **Delete** /orgs/{org}/members/{username} | Remove a member from an organization
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgDeleteTeam**](docs/ | **Delete** /teams/{id} | Delete a team
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgEdit**](docs/ | **Patch** /orgs/{org} | Edit an organization
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgEditHook**](docs/ | **Patch** /orgs/{org}/hooks/{id} | Update a hook
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgEditTeam**](docs/ | **Patch** /teams/{id} | Edit a team
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgGet**](docs/ | **Get** /orgs/{org} | Get an organization
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgGetAll**](docs/ | **Get** /orgs | Get list of organizations
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgGetHook**](docs/ | **Get** /orgs/{org}/hooks/{id} | Get a hook
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgGetTeam**](docs/ | **Get** /teams/{id} | Get a team
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgIsMember**](docs/ | **Get** /orgs/{org}/members/{username} | Check if a user is a member of an organization
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgIsPublicMember**](docs/ | **Get** /orgs/{org}/public_members/{username} | Check if a user is a public member of an organization
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgListCurrentUserOrgs**](docs/ | **Get** /user/orgs | List the current user&#39;s organizations
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgListHooks**](docs/ | **Get** /orgs/{org}/hooks | List an organization&#39;s webhooks
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgListMembers**](docs/ | **Get** /orgs/{org}/members | List an organization&#39;s members
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgListPublicMembers**](docs/ | **Get** /orgs/{org}/public_members | List an organization&#39;s public members
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgListRepos**](docs/ | **Get** /orgs/{org}/repos | List an organization&#39;s repos
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgListTeamMember**](docs/ | **Get** /teams/{id}/members/{username} | List a particular member of team
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgListTeamMembers**](docs/ | **Get** /teams/{id}/members | List a team&#39;s members
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgListTeamRepos**](docs/ | **Get** /teams/{id}/repos | List a team&#39;s repos
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgListTeams**](docs/ | **Get** /orgs/{org}/teams | List an organization&#39;s teams
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgListUserOrgs**](docs/ | **Get** /users/{username}/orgs | List a user&#39;s organizations
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgPublicizeMember**](docs/ | **Put** /orgs/{org}/public_members/{username} | Publicize a user&#39;s membership
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgRemoveTeamMember**](docs/ | **Delete** /teams/{id}/members/{username} | Remove a team member
*OrganizationApi* | [**OrgRemoveTeamRepository**](docs/ | **Delete** /teams/{id}/repos/{org}/{repo} | Remove a repository from a team
*OrganizationApi* | [**TeamSearch**](docs/ | **Get** /orgs/{org}/teams/search | Search for teams within an organization
*RepositoryApi* | [**CreateCurrentUserRepo**](docs/ | **Post** /user/repos | Create a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**CreateFork**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/forks | Fork a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**GetBlob**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/blobs/{sha} | Gets the blob of a repository.
*RepositoryApi* | [**GetTag**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/tags/{sha} | Gets the tag object of an annotated tag (not lightweight tags)
*RepositoryApi* | [**GetTree**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/trees/{sha} | Gets the tree of a repository.
*RepositoryApi* | [**ListForks**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/forks | List a repository&#39;s forks
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoAddCollaborator**](docs/ | **Put** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/collaborators/{collaborator} | Add a collaborator to a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoAddTopc**](docs/ | **Put** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/topics/{topic} | Add a topic to a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoCheckCollaborator**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/collaborators/{collaborator} | Check if a user is a collaborator of a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoCreateFile**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contents/{filepath} | Create a file in a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoCreateHook**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/hooks | Create a hook
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoCreateKey**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/keys | Add a key to a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoCreatePullRequest**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls | Create a pull request
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoCreateRelease**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases | Create a release
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoCreateReleaseAttachment**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases/{id}/assets | Create a release attachment
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoCreateStatus**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/statuses/{sha} | Create a commit status
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoDelete**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo} | Delete a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoDeleteCollaborator**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/collaborators/{collaborator} | Delete a collaborator from a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoDeleteFile**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contents/{filepath} | Delete a file in a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoDeleteGitHook**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/hooks/git/{id} | Delete a Git hook in a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoDeleteHook**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/hooks/{id} | Delete a hook in a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoDeleteKey**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/keys/{id} | Delete a key from a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoDeleteRelease**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases/{id} | Delete a release
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoDeleteReleaseAttachment**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases/{id}/assets/{attachment_id} | Delete a release attachment
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoDeleteTopic**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/topics/{topic} | Delete a topic from a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoEdit**](docs/ | **Patch** /repos/{owner}/{repo} | Edit a repository&#39;s properties. Only fields that are set will be changed.
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoEditGitHook**](docs/ | **Patch** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/hooks/git/{id} | Edit a Git hook in a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoEditHook**](docs/ | **Patch** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/hooks/{id} | Edit a hook in a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoEditPullRequest**](docs/ | **Patch** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{index} | Update a pull request. If using deadline only the date will be taken into account, and time of day ignored.
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoEditRelease**](docs/ | **Patch** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases/{id} | Update a release
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoEditReleaseAttachment**](docs/ | **Patch** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases/{id}/assets/{attachment_id} | Edit a release attachment
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoGet**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo} | Get a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoGetAllCommits**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/commits | Get a list of all commits from a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoGetArchive**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/archive/{archive} | Get an archive of a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoGetBranch**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches/{branch} | Retrieve a specific branch from a repository, including its effective branch protection
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoGetByID**](docs/ | **Get** /repositories/{id} | Get a repository by id
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoGetCombinedStatusByRef**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/commits/{ref}/statuses | Get a commit&#39;s combined status, by branch/tag/commit reference
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoGetContents**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contents/{filepath} | Gets the metadata and contents (if a file) of an entry in a repository, or a list of entries if a dir
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoGetContentsList**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contents | Gets the metadata of all the entries of the root dir
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoGetEditorConfig**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/editorconfig/{filepath} | Get the EditorConfig definitions of a file in a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoGetGitHook**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/hooks/git/{id} | Get a Git hook
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoGetHook**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/hooks/{id} | Get a hook
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoGetKey**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/keys/{id} | Get a repository&#39;s key by id
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoGetPullRequest**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{index} | Get a pull request
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoGetRawFile**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/raw/{filepath} | Get a file from a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoGetRelease**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases/{id} | Get a release
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoGetReleaseAttachment**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases/{id}/assets/{attachment_id} | Get a release attachment
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoGetSingleCommit**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/commits/{sha} | Get a single commit from a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoListAllGitRefs**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/refs | Get specified ref or filtered repository&#39;s refs
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoListBranches**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/branches | List a repository&#39;s branches
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoListCollaborators**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/collaborators | List a repository&#39;s collaborators
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoListGitHooks**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/hooks/git | List the Git hooks in a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoListGitRefs**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/git/refs/{ref} | Get specified ref or filtered repository&#39;s refs
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoListHooks**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/hooks | List the hooks in a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoListKeys**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/keys | List a repository&#39;s keys
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoListPullRequests**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls | List a repo&#39;s pull requests
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoListReleaseAttachments**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases/{id}/assets | List release&#39;s attachments
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoListReleases**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/releases | List a repo&#39;s releases
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoListStargazers**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/stargazers | List a repo&#39;s stargazers
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoListStatuses**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/statuses/{sha} | Get a commit&#39;s statuses
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoListSubscribers**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/subscribers | List a repo&#39;s watchers
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoListTags**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/tags | List a repository&#39;s tags
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoListTopics**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/topics | Get list of topics that a repository has
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoMergePullRequest**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{index}/merge | Merge a pull request
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoMigrate**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/migrate | Migrate a remote git repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoMirrorSync**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/mirror-sync | Sync a mirrored repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoPullRequestIsMerged**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{index}/merge | Check if a pull request has been merged
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoSearch**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/search | Search for repositories
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoSigningKey**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/signing-key.gpg | Get signing-key.gpg for given repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoTestHook**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/hooks/{id}/tests | Test a push webhook
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoTrackedTimes**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/times | List a repo&#39;s tracked times
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoTransfer**](docs/ | **Post** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/transfer | Transfer a repo ownership
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoUpdateFile**](docs/ | **Put** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/contents/{filepath} | Update a file in a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**RepoUpdateTopics**](docs/ | **Put** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/topics | Replace list of topics for a repository
*RepositoryApi* | [**TopicSearch**](docs/ | **Get** /topics/search | search topics via keyword
*RepositoryApi* | [**UserCurrentCheckSubscription**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/subscription | Check if the current user is watching a repo
*RepositoryApi* | [**UserCurrentDeleteSubscription**](docs/ | **Delete** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/subscription | Unwatch a repo
*RepositoryApi* | [**UserCurrentPutSubscription**](docs/ | **Put** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/subscription | Watch a repo
*RepositoryApi* | [**UserTrackedTimes**](docs/ | **Get** /repos/{owner}/{repo}/times/{user} | List a user&#39;s tracked times in a repo
*UserApi* | [**CreateCurrentUserRepo**](docs/ | **Post** /user/repos | Create a repository
*UserApi* | [**UserAddEmail**](docs/ | **Post** /user/emails | Add email addresses
*UserApi* | [**UserCheckFollowing**](docs/ | **Get** /users/{follower}/following/{followee} | Check if one user is following another user
*UserApi* | [**UserCreateToken**](docs/ | **Post** /users/{username}/tokens | Create an access token
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentCheckFollowing**](docs/ | **Get** /user/following/{username} | Check whether a user is followed by the authenticated user
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentCheckStarring**](docs/ | **Get** /user/starred/{owner}/{repo} | Whether the authenticated is starring the repo
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentDeleteFollow**](docs/ | **Delete** /user/following/{username} | Unfollow a user
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentDeleteGPGKey**](docs/ | **Delete** /user/gpg_keys/{id} | Remove a GPG key
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentDeleteKey**](docs/ | **Delete** /user/keys/{id} | Delete a public key
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentDeleteStar**](docs/ | **Delete** /user/starred/{owner}/{repo} | Unstar the given repo
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentGetGPGKey**](docs/ | **Get** /user/gpg_keys/{id} | Get a GPG key
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentGetKey**](docs/ | **Get** /user/keys/{id} | Get a public key
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentListFollowers**](docs/ | **Get** /user/followers | List the authenticated user&#39;s followers
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentListFollowing**](docs/ | **Get** /user/following | List the users that the authenticated user is following
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentListGPGKeys**](docs/ | **Get** /user/gpg_keys | List the authenticated user&#39;s GPG keys
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentListKeys**](docs/ | **Get** /user/keys | List the authenticated user&#39;s public keys
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentListRepos**](docs/ | **Get** /user/repos | List the repos that the authenticated user owns or has access to
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentListStarred**](docs/ | **Get** /user/starred | The repos that the authenticated user has starred
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentListSubscriptions**](docs/ | **Get** /user/subscriptions | List repositories watched by the authenticated user
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentPostGPGKey**](docs/ | **Post** /user/gpg_keys | Create a GPG key
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentPostKey**](docs/ | **Post** /user/keys | Create a public key
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentPutFollow**](docs/ | **Put** /user/following/{username} | Follow a user
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentPutStar**](docs/ | **Put** /user/starred/{owner}/{repo} | Star the given repo
*UserApi* | [**UserCurrentTrackedTimes**](docs/ | **Get** /user/times | List the current user&#39;s tracked times
*UserApi* | [**UserDeleteAccessToken**](docs/ | **Delete** /users/{username}/tokens/{token} | delete an access token
*UserApi* | [**UserDeleteEmail**](docs/ | **Delete** /user/emails | Delete email addresses
*UserApi* | [**UserGet**](docs/ | **Get** /users/{username} | Get a user
*UserApi* | [**UserGetCurrent**](docs/ | **Get** /user | Get the authenticated user
*UserApi* | [**UserGetHeatmapData**](docs/ | **Get** /users/{username}/heatmap | Get a user&#39;s heatmap
*UserApi* | [**UserGetStopWatches**](docs/ | **Get** /user/stopwatches | Get list of all existing stopwatches
*UserApi* | [**UserGetTokens**](docs/ | **Get** /users/{username}/tokens | List the authenticated user&#39;s access tokens
*UserApi* | [**UserListEmails**](docs/ | **Get** /user/emails | List the authenticated user&#39;s email addresses
*UserApi* | [**UserListFollowers**](docs/ | **Get** /users/{username}/followers | List the given user&#39;s followers
*UserApi* | [**UserListFollowing**](docs/ | **Get** /users/{username}/following | List the users that the given user is following
*UserApi* | [**UserListGPGKeys**](docs/ | **Get** /users/{username}/gpg_keys | List the given user&#39;s GPG keys
*UserApi* | [**UserListKeys**](docs/ | **Get** /users/{username}/keys | List the given user&#39;s public keys
*UserApi* | [**UserListRepos**](docs/ | **Get** /users/{username}/repos | List the repos owned by the given user
*UserApi* | [**UserListStarred**](docs/ | **Get** /users/{username}/starred | The repos that the given user has starred
*UserApi* | [**UserListSubscriptions**](docs/ | **Get** /users/{username}/subscriptions | List the repositories watched by a user
*UserApi* | [**UserListTeams**](docs/ | **Get** /user/teams | List all the teams a user belongs to
*UserApi* | [**UserSearch**](docs/ | **Get** /users/search | Search for users
## Documentation For Models
- [AccessToken](docs/
- [AddCollaboratorOption](docs/
- [AddTimeOption](docs/
- [AnnotatedTag](docs/
- [AnnotatedTagObject](docs/
- [ApiError](docs/
- [Attachment](docs/
- [Branch](docs/
- [Comment](docs/
- [Commit](docs/
- [CommitDateOptions](docs/
- [CommitMeta](docs/
- [CommitUser](docs/
- [ContentsResponse](docs/
- [CreateEmailOption](docs/
- [CreateFileOptions](docs/
- [CreateForkOption](docs/
- [CreateGpgKeyOption](docs/
- [CreateHookOption](docs/
- [CreateHookOptionConfig](docs/
- [CreateIssueCommentOption](docs/
- [CreateIssueOption](docs/
- [CreateKeyOption](docs/
- [CreateLabelOption](docs/
- [CreateMilestoneOption](docs/
- [CreateOrgOption](docs/
- [CreatePullRequestOption](docs/
- [CreateReleaseOption](docs/
- [CreateRepoOption](docs/
- [CreateStatusOption](docs/
- [CreateTeamOption](docs/
- [CreateUserOption](docs/
- [DeleteEmailOption](docs/
- [DeleteFileOptions](docs/
- [DeployKey](docs/
- [EditAttachmentOptions](docs/
- [EditDeadlineOption](docs/
- [EditGitHookOption](docs/
- [EditHookOption](docs/
- [EditIssueCommentOption](docs/
- [EditIssueOption](docs/
- [EditLabelOption](docs/
- [EditMilestoneOption](docs/
- [EditOrgOption](docs/
- [EditPullRequestOption](docs/
- [EditReactionOption](docs/
- [EditReleaseOption](docs/
- [EditRepoOption](docs/
- [EditTeamOption](docs/
- [EditUserOption](docs/
- [Email](docs/
- [ExternalTracker](docs/
- [ExternalWiki](docs/
- [FileCommitResponse](docs/
- [FileDeleteResponse](docs/
- [FileLinksResponse](docs/
- [FileResponse](docs/
- [GitBlobResponse](docs/
- [GitEntry](docs/
- [GitHook](docs/
- [GitObject](docs/
- [GitTreeResponse](docs/
- [GpgKey](docs/
- [GpgKeyEmail](docs/
- [Hook](docs/
- [Identity](docs/
- [InlineResponse200](docs/
- [InlineResponse2001](docs/
- [InternalTracker](docs/
- [Issue](docs/
- [IssueDeadline](docs/
- [IssueLabelsOption](docs/
- [Label](docs/
- [MarkdownOption](docs/
- [MergePullRequestOption](docs/
- [MigrateRepoForm](docs/
- [Milestone](docs/
- [NotificationCount](docs/
- [NotificationSubject](docs/
- [NotificationThread](docs/
- [Organization](docs/
- [PayloadCommit](docs/
- [PayloadCommitVerification](docs/
- [PayloadUser](docs/
- [Permission](docs/
- [PrBranchInfo](docs/
- [PublicKey](docs/
- [PullRequest](docs/
- [PullRequestMeta](docs/
- [Reaction](docs/
- [Reference](docs/
- [Release](docs/
- [RepoCommit](docs/
- [RepoTopicOptions](docs/
- [Repository](docs/
- [RepositoryMeta](docs/
- [SearchResults](docs/
- [ServerVersion](docs/
- [StateType](docs/
- [Status](docs/
- [StatusState](docs/
- [StopWatch](docs/
- [Tag](docs/
- [Team](docs/
- [TimeStamp](docs/
- [TopicName](docs/
- [TopicResponse](docs/
- [TrackedTime](docs/
- [TransferRepoOption](docs/
- [UpdateFileOptions](docs/
- [User](docs/
- [UserHeatmapData](docs/
- [WatchInfo](docs/
## Documentation For Authorization
## AccessToken
- **Type**: API key
auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAPIKey, sw.APIKey{
Key: "APIKEY",
Prefix: "Bearer", // Omit if not necessary.
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)
## AuthorizationHeaderToken
- **Type**: API key
auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAPIKey, sw.APIKey{
Key: "APIKEY",
Prefix: "Bearer", // Omit if not necessary.
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)
## BasicAuth
- **Type**: HTTP basic authentication
auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextBasicAuth, sw.BasicAuth{
UserName: "username",
Password: "password",
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)
## SudoHeader
- **Type**: API key
auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAPIKey, sw.APIKey{
Key: "APIKEY",
Prefix: "Bearer", // Omit if not necessary.
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)
## SudoParam
- **Type**: API key
auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAPIKey, sw.APIKey{
Key: "APIKEY",
Prefix: "Bearer", // Omit if not necessary.
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)
## Token
- **Type**: API key
auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAPIKey, sw.APIKey{
Key: "APIKEY",
Prefix: "Bearer", // Omit if not necessary.
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)
## Author