2022-09-15 19:11:04 -04:00

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# docker-gitea
## Docker Gitea Service
[Gitea]( is a self-hosted git service written in Go that is comparable to other self-hosted git projects like [Gitlab]( It provides an interface that is similar to [Github]( but a solution that you host yourself. While it does not currently have more complex features like built-in CI it is a lightweight and functional solution to host your own public and private repositories. This repository contains the necessary configuration to run a full Gitea service in [Docker]( using [Docker Compose]( and the capability to auto renew SSL certificates with [Let's Encrypt](
## Table of contents
- [docker-gitea](#docker-gitea)
- [Docker Gitea Service](#docker-gitea-service)
- [Table of contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Quick start](#quick-start)
- [Additional steps](#additional-steps)
- [Create git user](#create-git-user)
- [SSH passthrough](#ssh-passthrough)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Security](#security)
- [SSH root access](#ssh-root-access)
- [External ports](#external-ports)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Environment](#environment)
- [Images](#images)
- [Containers](#containers)
- [Volumes](#volumes)
- [Advanced configuration](#advanced-configuration)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)
## Requirements
Here are the basic requirements:
- An internet connected server or VPS with a static IP address
- SSH access to the server
- Storage space on the server for the service and repository data
- A domain with an `A` record pointing to the server IP (Configured at DNS provider)
Name | TTL | Class | Type | Record
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
`` | `1200` | `IN` | `A` | `$IP`
- An email address (e.g. configured at your domain (If you want the Gitea service to be able to send email)
- Make sure to note down the outgoing (SMTP) mail server information (e.g.
This guide assumes you are using Debian/Ubuntu but it can be adapted to other variations of linux. If you would like to add additional configuration options or help automate some of the setup see [contributing](#contributing) below.
## Quick start
Install docker and docker-compose.
# Install docker
sudo apt-get install docker
# Install docker-compose
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
# Make docker-compose executable
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Create `docker` group and add current user to group (or add the user you would like to run docker).
# Create docker group
sudo groupadd docker
# Add user to docker group
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Create the gitea data directory.
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/gitea
Check the docker service status and run a test container.
# Verify that docker service is running
sudo systemctl status docker
# Run a test container
docker run hello-world
Clone this repository and setup the [.env](#environment) file for your desired configuration.
# Clone this repository to your computer
git clone && cd docker-gitea
# Create a `.env` file by copying and adjusting `.env.sample` for configuration.
cp .env.sample .env
Start the docker service
# Start docker containers
docker-compose up -d
# Verify containers are running
docker ps
## Additional steps
### Create git user
Create a new `git` user on the host machine with UID and GID matching the `git` user inside the Gitea container.
# Create git user
adduser git
# Make sure user has UID and GID 1000
usermod -u 1000 -g 1000 git
### SSH passthrough
A passthrough is configured to allow SSH connection to both the host and the container on the standard port 22. It is possible to explicitly set a different port for either in the `docker-compose.yml`, however then all future connections will require remembering a custom port for one of the devices so the passthrough is the recommended setup.
Create the file `/app/gitea/gitea` with the following contents:
ssh -p 2222 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no git@ "SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND=\"$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND\" $0 $@"
Make the file `/app/gitea/gitea` excecutable.
`sudo chmod +x /app/gitea/gitea`
Generate an SSH key for the `git` user. When prompted for a password you can leave it empty.
To generate an RSA key:
sudo -u git ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "Gitea Host Key"
Alternately, to generate an ED25519 key:
sudo -u git ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "Gitea Host Key"
Create a symlink between the container `authorized_keys` and the host git user `authorized_keys.`
ln -s /var/lib/gitea/git/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys
Echo the `git` user key into the `authorized_keys` file.
For an RSA key:
echo "no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty $(cat /home/git/.ssh/" >> /var/lib/gitea/git/.ssh/authorized_keys
For an ED25519 key:
echo "no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty $(cat /home/git/.ssh/" >> /var/lib/gitea/git/.ssh/authorized_keys
### Installation
The first time you go to the site Gitea will guide you through the installation wizard.
- Create an administrator user with a strong password.
- Enter the email address and password for the Gitea server email account.
- Enter the correct mail server information.
- The remaining items should stay at the default setting.
## Security
On the host machine, make sure to use a strong user password and strong SSH keys. When you create the Gitea administrator for the first time use a strong password as well.
### SSH root access
Disable root SSH access on the host machine. Edit `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` by changing the following line:
# Old sshd_config
PermitRootLogin yes
# New sshd_config
PermitRootLogin no
NOTE: If you are currently remotely accessing the machine as root or have edited the `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` incorrectly, the next command may cause you to lose connection to the server. Make sure you are connected via SSH as a non-root user.
Restart the ssh server with `sudo service ssh restart`.
### External ports
If a firewall is configured on the host the following external ports must be opened:
- 80/tcp for Web UI HTTP
- 443/tcp for Web UI HTTPS
- 22/tcp for SSH
On a Debian/Ubuntu server this can be configured using UFW:
# Install ufw
sudo apt-get install ufw
# Enable ufw service
sudo systemct enable ufw
# Set ufw default to deny all incoming
sudo ufw default deny incoming
# Set ufw default to allow all outgoing
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
# Set ufw to allow 80/tcp, 443/tcp, and 22/tcp
sudo ufw allow 80/tcp
sudo ufw allow 443/tcp
sudo ufw allow 22/tcp
# Display status of ufw service
sudo ufw status verbose
## Configuration
### Environment
The configuration is performed via environment variables contained in a `.env` file. You can copy the provided `.env.sample` file as a reference.
Variable | Description | Example
--- | --- | ---
`APP_NAME` | Name to display on homepage and tab | Gitea: Git with a cup of tea
`PROTOCOL` | Protocol for Gitea server | (Default: https)
`DOMAIN` | Domain for the Gitea service |
`VIRTUAL_HOST` | Virtual host for Gitea server |
`VIRTUAL_PORT` | Virtual port for Gitea server to expose to proxy network | 3000
`LETSENCRYPT_DOMAIN` | Domain for which to generate the certificate |
`LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL` | E-Mail for receiving important account notifications (mandatory) |
`DB_NAME` | Name for the database | gitea
`DB_USER` | User for the database | gitea
`DB_PASSWD` | Password for the database | gitea
### Images
- **nginx/nginx**: Nginx docker image on docker hub.
- **jwilder/docker-gen**: Docker-gen image on docker hub.
- **jrcs/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion**: Proxy companion docker image on docker hub.
- **gitea/gitea**: Gitea docker image on docker hub.
- **postgres:14.5**: PostgreSQL docker image on docker hub.
### Containers
- **nginx**: Reverse proxy provided by nginx.
- **nginx-gen**: Container generation for nginx using docker-gen and template `nginx.tmpl`.
- **nginx-proxy-companion**: Companion to nginx for creating, renewing, and using Let's Encrypt SSL certificates.
- **gitea**: Gitea, a self-hosted git service written in Go.
- **db**: PostgreSQL, the database for the git server.
### Volumes
- **/var/lib/gitea**: Persistent volume for Gitea data
- **conf**: Persistent volume for nginx configuration
- **vhost**: Persistent volume for nginx virtual host configuration
- **html**: Persistent volume for nginx html data
- **certs**: Persistent volume for nginx certificate data
- **postgres**: Persistent volume for PostgreSQL database
### Advanced configuration
To make additional configuration changes first shut down the containers with `docker-compose down`
- Edit `docker-compose.yml` to update the Docker service
- Edit `/var/lib/gitea/gitea/conf/app.ini` to update the Gitea configuration
- Edit `nginx.tmpl` to update the Nginx configuration
Restart the containers with `docker-compose up -d`
## Documentation
- [Gitea Website](
- [Gitea Docker Installation](
- [Docker](
- [Docker Compose](
- [Gitea Repo](
- [Gitea Image](
- [Nginx Repo](
- [Nginx Image](\_/nginx)
- [docker-gen Repo](
- [docker-gen Image](
- [docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion Repo](
- [letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion Image](
- If you find any problems please fill out an [issue]( Thank you!
## Contributing
Do you want to help contribute to this repository? Check out the [contributing documentation](
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for the full license text.