Lunny Xiao 0a96ab90fd
Some checks failed
checks / check and test (push) Failing after 1m2s
Use actions instead of drone
2023-04-21 11:39:32 +08:00

60 lines
1.3 KiB

# pebblequeue
Pebble queue is a simple queue golang library base on pebbledb.
## Installation
go get
## Usage
queue, err := pebblequeue.Open("./queue")
err = queue.RPush([]byte("test"))
// pop an element from left of the queue
data, err = queue.LPop()
// if handle success, element will be pop, otherwise it will be keep
queue.LHandle(func(dt []byte) error{
return nil
You can now create a Set from a pebbledb:
set, err := pebblequeue.OpenSet("./set")
added, err:= set.Add([]byte("member1"))
has, err := set.Has([]byte("member1"))
members, err := set.Members()
removed, err := set.Remove([]byte("member1"))
And you can create a UniqueQueue from a pebbledb:
queue, err := pebblequeue.OpenUnique("./queue")
err := queue.RPush([]byte("member1"))
err = queue.LPush([]byte("member1"))
// Will return ErrAlreadyInQueue
// and so on.
## Creating Queues, UniqueQueues and Sets from already open DB
If you have an already open DB you can create these from this using the
`NewQueue`, `NewUniqueQueue` and `NewSet` functions.