2020-04-22 23:05:14 -07:00

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General Steps

These are the steps required to install Leantime. They work for most configurations.

  1. Download latest release package
  2. Create an empty MySQL database
  3. Upload entire directory to your server
  4. Point your domain to the public/ directory
  5. Rename config/configuration.sample.php to config/configuration.php
  6. Fill in your database credentials (username, password, host, dbname) in config/configuration.php
  7. Navigate to <>/install
  8. Follow instructions to install database and set up first user account

Installation - Development

For development environments and to make changes to Leantime follow the steps below:

  • Install composer and npm
  • Clone repository to your local server
  • Create MySQL database
  • Run composer to load php dependencies
composer install


npm install

to load Javascript dependencies and finally run the grunt task to create the compiled js files

grunt Build-All
  • Point your local domain to the public/ directory
  • Rename config/configuration.sample.php to config/configuration.php
  • Fill in your database credentials (username, password, host, dbname) in config/configuration.php
  • Navigate to /install
  • Follow instructions to install database and user account

Installation using Docker

Docker Run

To run the docker image from DockerHub you will need an existing MySQL database.

docker run -d -p 80:80 --network leantime-net \
-e DB_HOST=mysql_leantime \
-e MYSQL_USER=admin \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=321.qwerty \
-e MYSQL_DATABASE=leantime \
--name leantime leantime/leantime:latest

Once started you can go to <>/install and run the installation script.

Full set up with MySQL and network

If you don't have a MySQL database set up and would like to create a container follow these instruction.

  1. Create the network so Leantime can communicate with the MySql container.
docker network create leantime-net
  1. Create the MySQL container.
docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --network leantime-net \
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=321.qwerty \
-e MYSQL_DATABASE=leantime \
-e MYSQL_USER=admin \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=321.qwerty \
--name mysql_leantime mysql:5.7 --character-set-server=utf8 --collation-server=utf8_unicode_ci
  1. Create the Leantime container.
docker run -d -p 80:80 --network leantime-net \
-e DB_HOST=mysql_leantime \
-e MYSQL_USER=admin \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=321.qwerty \
-e MYSQL_DATABASE=leantime \
--name leantime leantime/leantime:latest
  1. Run the installation script at <>/install

Docker Compose

One command install with docker-compose.

git clone
cd docker-leantime
docker-compose up -d

Subfolder installation

We recommend running Leantime as the main application under a domain or subdomain (eg, however it is possible to run Leantime within a subfolder (eg. To enable subfolder installations follow the steps below:

  1. Uncomment line 4 in public/.htaccess and change the path to your subfolder
  2. Set public $appURL in config\configuration.php to the URL you are planning to use including the subfolder (eg

Keep in mind that this exposes your \userdata\ folder to the public. You should restrict access to that folder using .htaccess rules and make sure directory listings are off.

Common Problems

I see a 404 error when going to domain/install

There are two possible options why this would happen

  1. The mod_rewrite module is not installed or not configued properly.
  2. Your vhost configuration does not point to the public/ folder

I can't upload files

This usually happens when PHP can't write to the local folder. Make sure userdata/ and public/userdata/ are writeable by the server user