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Error Log Overview

Due production focused those are not activated by default, there's two places to see error log: at the server side and at the client side.The php errors are generally at the server side, and js error are generally at the client side, with some exceptions that are at server side.

Take in considerations we are talking about specific and only related to POS application, do not confuse with web server error log and related php general errors.

Error Log at Client side

Depends totally of the browser, mostly firefox/palemoon the officially supported or those webkit based (chromium/chrome, qupzilla, etc by example).

  1. After loading the OSPOS page, hit the F12 key
  2. the scree will split in two parts, that second new part its the web-browser devel tool
  3. that second part has a "netwok" tab, go/hit in that network tab
  4. all the web traffic to the ospos will be displayed, all the request and response
  5. each request will have a line entry and also same for each response

hit F12 at the web browser and see the new split window

Error Log at Server side

Here are varios components in action, in first place there's the application log (disabled by default) and the system components log (apache log that includes php error log, database error log), lest see how to enabled/activate those:

Application error log:

It's disabled by default, since OSPOS 3.1 version, can be enabled in a directive in application/config/config.php named $config['log_threshold'] that are set to 0 by default, set to 1 to enable info log only, **for reporting and submit issues please set to 4 and attach only relevant part.

Will default the location of the results logs at application/logs/, that can be also customized where logging takes place by the directive $config['log_path']

IMPORTANT check directory permissiion, resspect the CI framework or user access must be www-data. If this are not correct log files will not be present.

Database SQL Logging

It's disabled by default, since 3.1 OSPOS, can be enabled in a directive in application/config/config.php named $config['db_log_enabled'] that are set to FALSE by default, set to TRUE to enable. Will default the location of the results logs in the same log file of application at application/logs/.

WebServer error log:

In standar distributions if you can access server files or have setup a local installation, a general file that will register all error happened to php script procesing will be always present.

  • In standar Server or Linux installations that file will be under /var/log/<WEBSERVERNAME>/error.log
  • In standar binaries of apache2 instalations that file will be under ${INSTALL_DIR}/logs/error.log
  • In standar Debian lighttpd installations that file will be under /var/log/lighttpd/error.log
  • In standar binaries of nginx/others that files will be also under ${INSTALL_DIR}/logs/error.log

By example, you can customize that in the apache2.conf or http.conf file configuration of the apache2 webserver with those directives:

ErrorLog "${INSTALL_DIR}/logs/apache_error.log"
CustomLog "${INSTALL_DIR}/logs/access.log" common

IMPORTANT Please refers to the web server documentation to customize that..

PHP Errors

If the error is due to something going haywire in the application code then you might need to activate the PHP error log.

There are two aspects to it. The first is identifying where the log is to be created and the second is establishing what should be written to the log. OSPOS also provides the option of display errors directly to the user in the Web page but that will can make the Web page wonky (but sometimes it is a good thing to be wonky). To have the PHP error messages thrown in your face simply change line 56 of public/index.php as follows.

define('ENVIRONMENT', isset($_SERVER['CI_ENV']) ? $_SERVER['CI_ENV'] : 'development'); 

The PHP configuration file (php.ini) is used to describe the error log. The php.ini file is typically found in the root folder of the PHP installation, however it doesn't have to be located there (as described on page http://php.net/manual/en/configuration.file.php).

The php ini files in modern instalations set error log path to emnpty value so will be managed by the webserver, for ohers you must consult the php proper documentation of each binary distribution.

See also