[mirror] PostGIS spatial database extension to PostgreSQL https://postgis.net
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2023-04-03 11:50:04 -04:00
.github Remove latest as pg master has now flipped to PG 16. Replace with pg15. Also remove pg13 coverage, now replaced with a pg15 coverage 2022-07-08 22:59:46 -04:00
.woodpecker Move some jobs to woodie from dronie. Add more PG versions to woodie 2022-11-28 08:00:16 -05:00
ci Have debbie build with minor-version. 2023-03-26 18:16:59 -04:00
deps Fix whitespace 2022-05-08 21:58:25 +02:00
doc Fix Even's last name. [skip ci] 2023-04-03 11:50:04 -04:00
extensions Mark topology.topology_id_seq as a user data 2023-02-20 11:05:46 +01:00
extras Prefer street segments that have a street name 2023-03-13 03:00:13 -04:00
fuzzers OSS-Fuzz: stub new GEOS call to fix build 2021-01-10 14:18:18 +03:00
liblwgeom Add an interrupt check in dbscan 2023-03-31 13:02:09 -07:00
libpgcommon Fix partly outside array bounds gcc warning 2023-01-30 18:25:57 +01:00
loader Handle load of dbase character fields with not width specified 2022-11-03 20:29:50 -04:00
macros LTO enabled by default if supported; selecting ar, ranlib implementation based on compiler vendor; lwgeom, raster: possible uninitialized variable fixes 2022-03-15 14:19:30 +03:00
postgis Reject infinite coordinates in _ST_BestSRID 2023-03-13 02:41:45 -04:00
raster Do not use SQLERRM when not defined 2023-03-07 10:58:44 +01:00
regress Reject infinite coordinates in _ST_BestSRID 2023-03-13 02:41:45 -04:00
sfcgal Change ST_3DConvexHull to check area 2023-03-21 20:21:47 -04:00
topology Fix segfault in _lwt_RemEdge when no edge side-faces are found 2023-01-30 17:24:06 +01:00
utils Use scripts_installed for downgrade protection 2023-01-30 18:01:27 +01:00
.cirrus.yml Add projsync steps to fix cirrus proj failures. 2023-03-26 21:03:47 -04:00
.clang-format Rewrite GiST penalty. 2019-06-28 10:00:18 +00:00
.drone-1.0.yml Move some jobs to woodie from dronie. Add more PG versions to woodie 2022-11-28 08:00:16 -05:00
.editorconfig Implement topology.RemoveUnusedPrimitives 2022-07-11 18:21:41 +02:00
.gitattributes Get rid of CRLF settings on both svnprop and gitattributes. Causing mirroring issues 2017-08-08 19:40:04 +00:00
.gitignore Exclude visual code file 2022-05-17 10:18:30 -04:00
.gitlab-ci.yml [gitlab-ci] Test distclean 2022-02-25 11:26:42 +01:00
.mailmap [git] Add .mailmap file 2019-05-16 06:20:34 +00:00
astyle.sh Standardize shebangs 2020-07-01 11:00:58 +02:00
autogen.sh Work around an autoconf bug insisting in needing a config.rpath file 2020-07-23 22:06:07 +02:00
configure.ac Run autoupdate 2022-08-16 10:16:04 +02:00
CONTRIBUTING.md Add note about receiving git patches via email 2020-05-21 14:10:01 +02:00
COPYING Renew the COPYING gpl-2.0 with last version from gnu.org 2013-06-04 16:22:19 +00:00
CREDITS #1818 credit updates J. Smith (also fix web link in CREDITS file) 2013-05-03 04:45:24 +00:00
GNUmakefile.in Drop redundant variable topsrcdir, use top_srcdir 2022-06-21 10:30:10 +02:00
HOWTO_RELEASE Prep for PostGIS 3.3.2 release 2022-11-13 00:30:07 -05:00
LICENSE.TXT Update wagyu to 0.5.0 2020-05-08 17:47:56 +02:00
make_dist.sh Have make_dist.sh remove CI files 2022-02-23 21:54:35 +01:00
Makefile Stop automatically configuring on top-level make 2022-02-25 10:18:36 +01:00
MIGRATION Wrap within 80 cols 2012-03-26 13:17:31 +00:00
NEWS Fix Even's last name. [skip ci] 2023-04-03 11:50:04 -04:00
postgis_config.h.in Remove --without-wagyu option 2021-01-08 17:14:29 +01:00
README.md Point CI badges to 3.3 branch 2022-08-26 18:24:47 -04:00
README.postgis Minor edits, stamp version on README 2022-11-13 00:55:41 -05:00
SECURITY.md Make 80-cols terminal friendly 2019-12-19 14:07:59 +01:00
spatial_ref_sys.sql On update, apply the latest spatial_ref_sys. Also, use a multi-valued insert with a no-op on conflict for spatial_ref_sys. References #5024 2022-02-15 12:20:13 -08:00
STYLE Small review pass for STYLE document 2018-02-28 22:24:44 +00:00
TODO Remove the many and unloved $Id$ tags that clutter the code base 2015-05-13 18:13:18 +00:00
Version.config Flip to next milestone 2022-11-13 02:50:54 -05:00

Doc / Make Dist: Build Status

Debbie Winnie Dronie
Build Status Build Status Build Status
Bessie Bessie32 Cirrus-CI
Build Status Build Status Build Status
Berrie Berrie64
Build Status Build Status
GitHub GitLab
CI Gitlab-CI

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