Lunny Xiao 0b478d9235
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checks / check and test (push) Successful in 1m31s
Use actions instead of drone
2023-05-09 14:19:55 +08:00

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# Reverse
A flexsible and powerful command line tool to convert database to codes.
## Installation
go install
## Usage
reverse -f example/custom.yml
## Configuration File
How does the simplest configuration file look like?
kind: reverse
name: mydb
database: sqlite3
conn_str: '../testdata/test.db'
- type: codes
language: golang
output_dir: ../models
A `language` defines some default configuration items, also you can define all yourselves.
kind: reverse
name: mydb
database: sqlite
conn_str: ../testdata/test.db
- type: codes
include_tables: # tables included, you can use **
- a
- b
exclude_tables: # tables excluded, you can use **
- c
table_mapper: snake # how table name map to class or struct name
column_mapper: snake # how column name map to class or struct field name
table_prefix: "" # table prefix
multiple_files: true # generate multiple files or one
language: golang
template: | # template for code file, it has higher perior than template_path
package models
{{$ilen := len .Imports}}
{{if gt $ilen 0}}
import (
{{range .Imports}}"{{.}}"{{end}}
{{range .Tables}}
type {{TableMapper .Name}} struct {
{{$table := .}}
{{range .ColumnsSeq}}{{$col := $table.GetColumn .}} {{ColumnMapper $col.Name}} {{Type $col}} `{{Tag $table $col}}`
func (m *{{TableMapper .Name}}) TableName() string {
return "{{$table.Name}}"
template_path: ./template/goxorm.tmpl # template path for code file, it has higher perior than template field on language
output_dir: ./models # code output directory
## Template Funcs
- *UnTitle*: Convert first charator of the word to lower.
- *Upper*: Convert word to all upper.
- *TableMapper*: Mapper method to convert table name to class/struct name.
- *ColumnMapper*: Mapper method to convert column name to class/struct field name.
## Golang Template Funcs
- *Type*: return column's golang type
- *Tag*: return golang struct tag for column
## Template Vars
- *Tables*: All tables.
- *Imports*: All imports needed.