• 23.3 da7feb5e3d

    23.3 Stable

    enimaroah released this 2023-08-31 10:38:37 +00:00 | 0 commits to master since this release

    • Fixed compression for Unity 2021.3+
    • Fixed display of shader names in Unity 2021.3+ Files. Animator Editors showed them correctly.
    • Fixed crash when saving SceneABs after editing any asset alphabetically smaller than "Assets/..."
    • Added texture slot alternatives for "_MainTex" and "_NormalMap"/"_BumpMap" in renderer and replacements
    • Added support for HoneyCome shapeAnim and customShape TextAsset
    • Added copy and paste through clipboard for more older TextAssets

    Known issues:

    • Adding a texture to a SceneAB causes "Uncommitted external Texture2D cant be selected"
      when it gets assigned to a Material.
      Workarond: Save the SceneAB after adding the texture(s). No need to reload the SceneAB afterwards.
    • Deleting assets then loading assets referencing the deleted assets leads to logical corruption of the AB
      No workaround except not deleting shared assets. Can be seen with "View Data".
    • Imported morphs get invalid when their mesh gets split by material