3 Frontloading
henri edited this page 2022-09-04 06:12:54 +08:00


See also

  • Strategie
  • Prinzipien
  • Narrative
  • Impact Networks
  • This is an Uprising

https://www.momentumcommunity.org/ : Frontloading

Movements require sustained scale to achieve sweeping reforms, and therefore must rely on self-organizing rather than centralized command and control. Self-organizing requires organizers to give the movement away to millions of people and create systems of mass participation. Frontloading is the process of creating that system and deciding what needs to be given away so that people can act with unity and autonomy.

Frontloading is about visioning our future while anticipating problems that will come up, so people can make aligned decisions without command and control. Movements are living organisms, which means they require strong DNA to be powerful in the world. Frontloading is the process of creating that DNA.


  • Story: purpose of the movement, why and the future we try to create. Helps people understand and identify with the movement
    • elements: us, them, the problem, a choice, a vision
  • strategy: explains the objective, where to go and how to do it, helps with alignment, theory of change, metrics of success
  • culture: encourage desired behaviors, builds collective understanding, protects the strategy.
    • elements: principles, practices, rituals, where and how to gather,
  • structure: support absorption and scale, how to do onboarding, how to move into teams and roles, distribute leadership, promote self-organizing
    • elements: mass training program, roles + teams, decision making, how to join the movement

how to Frontloading presentation

Frontloading by SunriseMovement

(site not available anymore.(https://www.sunrisemovement.org/frontloading/) That is why the link points to internet archive)