17 Storytelling und Narrative
henri edited this page 2024-02-10 21:17:46 +00:00


Narrativ - Wikiepdia "Als Narrativ wird seit den 1990er Jahren eine sinnstiftende Erzählung bezeichnet, die Einfluss hat auf die Art, wie die Umwelt wahrgenommen wird. Es transportiert Werte und Emotionen." "Bestimmendes Element hinter einem Narrativ ist weniger der Wahrheitsgehalt,[5] sondern ein gemeinsam geteiltes Bild mit starker Strahlkraft.[6]" " Konsens ist, dass Narrative eine Möglichkeit zur gesellschaftlichen Orientierung geben und Zuversicht vermitteln können."


  • Wachstum ist gut für alle
  • steigende Flut hebt alle Boote
  • Unser Unternehmen ist klimaneutral
  • Menschen sind alle schlecht für die Natur

Siehe auch

  • Befreiung neu denken
  • erzählende affen
  • klimakommunikation
  • what we think about when we try to not think about climate change
  • systemdenken

What we think about ...

new narratives

  • green growth (resource efficiency)
  • wellbeing
  • stewardship (religous, care for creation)
  • re-wilding

Earth 4 All


2 possible scenarios

  • too little too late
  • giant leap

the great turning

3 geschichten

  • business as usual : weiter wachsen, lebensweise muss nicht geändert werden
  • zerfafall: zeigt katastrophen, die der business as usual verursacht (meist aktivisten, umweltwissenschaftler)
  • der Große Wandel: übergang zu einer "mehr-als-menschlichen" Welt. sich zusammenschließen und für das Wohl des Lebens handeln

Bausteine des großen wandels

  • protest um zerstörung zu verlangsamen
  • analyse und transformation der systeme unseres zusammenlebens
  • bewusstseinsveränderung unserer Weltsicht und Werte


Danger of a single story - Chimamanda Adichie - 18 min


Storytelling - Wikipedia
"Storytelling (deutsch: „Geschichten erzählen“) ist eine Erzählmethode, mit der explizites, aber vor allem implizites Wissen in Form von Leitmotiven, Symbolen, Metaphern oder anderen Mitteln der Rhetorik weitergegeben wird."
"Storytelling wird unter anderem in der Bildung, im Wissensmanagement, in der Unternehmenskommunikation, als Methode zur Problemlösung und als Marketing-Methode eingesetzt. In der Wissenschaft dient es zur Vermittlung von Expertenwissen an ein Laienpublikum, wird aber gelegentlich wegen seines angeblich manipulativen Charakters abgelehnt."

Psy4F Podcast - Heldenreise

Teil 1

Teil 2 https://klimaimkopf.podigee.io/7-heldenreise-teil-1

Von helden und fossilen Märchen


Erzählende Affen

Erzählende Affen - ttt - 7 Minuten

Der Mensch nutzt geschichten um Informationen zu verbreiten.

Geschichten werden auch für propaganda genutzt. immer wieder die gleichen geschichten. unsere probleme liegen in systemen doch das lässt sich schwer erzählen.

klimakrise: abstraktion, größe, allumfassend. kein klares verlauf oder ende.

"klimawandel" ist ein verharmlosendes wort.

menschen wünschen sich eine klare geschichte. wer ist der schuldige?

co2 -fußabdruck ist eine erfindung der Öl-industrie. manipulative geschichte. schiebt die schuld auf das individuum.

die wahren bösewichte ist die öl-industrie und lobby.

klimakrise anderes erzählen: was können wir als menschen/eltern gewinnen? nicht nur der erhalt. bessere luft, gesünderes essen. lieber erzählen: was wird besser?

Erzählende Affen - Hörbuch komplett

The new political story that could change everything | George Monbiot

we feel tropped in a broken econimic systems. sorts us into winners and loosers and blames the loosers. neoliberalism. financial crisis 2008 should have collapsed it. it didnt because we have not found a story to replace it.

facts and figures have not power to replace a persuasive story. only a story can replace a story. you can not take someones story away without giving them a new one.

powerful plot: the restoration story. disorder afflicts the land. powerful forces work against humanity. the hero will revolt, and overthrow them to restore harmony to the land. this is the pattern of every story: narnia, lord of the rings, harry potter.

every major political change was caused by stories.

economic depression. maynard keynes told a restoration story. elites have captured the wealth. the hero state and middle class workers redistributed wealth. spent public money on public goods.

1970 problems occured. friedman and others told a new story. disorder by the overmighty state, crushed freedom and opportunity. rollback the state, create wealth.

opposite storys but identical story.

2008 the neoliberal story fell apart. its oponent came up with nothing. only warmed up keynesianism.

despair is the state we fall into, when our imagination fails.

political failure is at heart a failure of imagination. we need a story that tells us where to go.

the story has to appeal to people across the political spectrum. it has to be grounded in reality.

resonate with deep desires.

in the last years there were fascinating finding in multiple sciences.

human beings have massive capacits for altruism. we have egoism but altrism is stronger.

we are suprime cooperators. urge to cooperate is hardwired into our minds.

dominant narrative currently: we should live in extreme individualism and fight, mistrust each other. atomizes society and weakenes our bonds.

a society of altruist governed by psychopaths.

we have capacity for togetherness and listening. we can recover.

atomization -> thriving civic live with rich participatory culture.

market and state -> build an economic that respects people and planet.

the commons. neither market nor state. neither capitalism nor communism.

3 main elements:

  • a resource
  • a commity that manages it
  • rules to govern it.

commons cant be sold, benefits are shared equally.

finanical power should never trump democratic power again.

use participatory democraty. at much as possible at the local level.

"politics of belonging"

values that left and right share: belonging and community even fashists seek community, even if it is frightening and everyone looks the same.

we need to create a community based on bridging network. bring together people from different groups. dont dig into your bonding community of a homogenous group.

new story: disorder be people who tell: "there is no society", "highest purpose is to fight each other" hero: us we build rich engaging, enclusive, generous communities. and restore order.

we should tell the story that lights the path to a better world.

Buch: Out of this Wreckage

Systems innovation: change narratives

Systems Innovation - Change Narrative

storys shape how we understand the world, our place in it and our ability to change it.

They can bring up systems. our languages evolves.

insitutions shape our lifes. they are actually stories.

stories validify certain kinds of solutions.

we can change our story by.

a story should be escalational and realistic.

finance innovation lab:

storys about yourself, your community and the need for urgent action is integral to creating movements.

movements that lack a narrative will fail to generate a sense of belonging amongst their members.

ontology(worldview), values (axiology), teleology: a path

alice submarsh: storys are direct routes to our emotions and therefore important to decision-making. it engenders empathy across dfference. To change values, mindsets and rules of a system, the story is foundational.

old stories of the last century feel incomplete in our complex todays world. lack of story leads to lack of direction.

david stroke: blind men and elephant. each sees a different part. telling their storys to each other helps them to see the common reality.

france, japan, USA are storys. identites are created when there is a fertile ground of connectivity and shared experience.

europe never existed. it was created.

peter senge: organizations. many dont last long. those who did, have a sense of who they were, that transcended what they did. they were secure in this core identity and more open and adaptive.

systems change is about connecting across boundaries of groups that would not see their commonality or shared intent. to bring them together we need to create a new identity, empathy and enable them to connect. We need to compose a picture of the world, a solution that includes these groups working together. the narrative should not exlucde those, which need to be part of the change process.

otto scharmer: key to transformative change is to make the system see itself.

story use abstraction to remove the details and make the core patterns more visible. dramatize the currenct situation and the need to change to create momentum and drive.

storys that are simple but include a powerful idea can be shared virally.

ignite poeple towards change

graham lester (International Futures Forum): "What we see is it takes a shift in mindset to start a transformative innovation, minimal finance. If you put up a big innovation budget and invite applications you are not likely to get something transformative. It doesnt really take money to get started. it takes a shift in mindset.

global media gives the potential to reach billions of people.

vom Narrativ der Trennung zu Interdependenz und Interbeing

stories.life - 3 min video
8 min video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFO9mcAHEFQ (charles eisenstein)

Designing regenerative cultures. Narrativ der Trennung: knappheit, Konkurrenz, Egoismus, Kurzsichtigkeit Alternative: Kooperation, kreativität, sorge(care), zuhören, win-win-win denken für Mensch, Gruppe und das Leben auf dem Planeten.



Greenwashing / Fossile Konzerne

Why Companies Need to Greenwash - Our Changing Climate - 13 min

Wie verwenden sie Storytelling?

The Secret Ways The Oil Industry Brainwashes You | Smog + Mirrors - 18 min

