15 Kompensation und Offsets
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Kompensation und Offsets

Emissionshandel - Wikipedia

für reiserichtlinie.

! bullte points ! wie würde ich das jemandem auf der straße erklären.

klimaaktivisti organisieren eine konferenz. kaufen keine kompensation.

vorstellung einer Marke.?

viel Inhalt in wenig Text!


mehr zum Mix

mehr zur klimaprojekten


klimakrise erklärt

Sci4F will steffen: wenn 2 grad überschritten ,dann bis 4°. bei 4° kann nur 1 Milliarde menschen überleben.

1,5° überschreiten wir schon 2026/2030. danach exponentieller anstieg.



Rahmstorf: "wir werden nicht bis 3 Grad kommen, weil uns vorher die gesellschaft kollabiert."

aktuell steuern wir auf 2,7 grad zu

unbewohnbare erde

wen fragen? SciReb discussion


airlines Lufthansa eurowings

welches Fehler lieber vermeiden?

kritik an offsets


Carbon Offsets: The Big Lie | David Detzler | TEDxHayesStreet - 15 min
The Carbon Offset Problem - 23 min

Climate Ad Project



But the truth is, carbon offsets (and credits) are primarily a tool of large polluters, not individuals.

net-zero pledges to project a good public image.

What does net-zero really mean?

We need to dramatically reduce emissions to get to true net-zero globally.

But economic growth is still largely tied to increasing emissions. Big polluters can maintain a facade of progress without making substantive changes.

We cant say with certainty that all offsets are bad, but we can say with certainty that not all offsets are good.

Gründe dagegen

Lack of accountability

profound lack of standardization and transparency.

You can plant lots of trees, but they can be cut down, or burned in a wildfire, releasing the carbon back into the atmosphere. CO2 stays in atmosphere for 300 - 1000 years. keep the trees that long!



almost all offset projects failed the additionality standard, finding, “75% of the credits issued were unlikely to represent real reductions , and that if countries had cut pollution on-site instead of relying on offsets, global CO₂ emissions would have been 600 million tons lower.”

The dark side of offsets

gewaltsame vertreibung indigener Menschen https://www.theguardian.com/environment/earth-insight/2014/jul/03/world-bank-un-redd-genocide-land-carbon-grab-sengwer-kenya

The scale of the problem

There are only so many trees you can plant, or so much land to re-wild, ...

Its practically impossible to reach net-zero emissions by trying to remove carbon from the atmosphere while continuing to emit at current levels.

oil major Shell plans to deploy more nature-based carbon offsets, derived from forestry and soil stewardship projects, than the entire global market can currently supply. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-shell-carbon-offsets-graphic-idUSKBN2AC1CR

Whats needed

You can also join an environmental organization that resonates with you.

Make donations part of your budget and support the organization(s) you think are doing the most good.

Carbon Offsets: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

24 min

earth is getting alarmingly hot.

Un report: "atlas of human suffering" giant corporations claim to become net zero.

1/5 companies of the largest 2000 companies comitted to net zero.

kitkat: forest regeneration, regenerative farming "will offset any remaining carbon" that is a common tactic.

2/3 rely on offsets instead of reductions.

the idea sounds to good to be true. because it is. 3:20 study after study show : Feb 14 : bloomberg law: "... study after study has indicated that most offsets available on the market don't reliably reduce emissions."

offsets are now the backbone of policy of biggest poluters.

they might make things actually worse.

planting or protecting trees. build a wind farm to replace fossils.

BP advertising.

fox news: buy jewelry as an offset for cheating.

companies buy it voluntary to improve image. the volunary market is growing quickly. checkboxes to buy offsets.

price is too low. yepYou: breath offset for you and your pets

carbon offsets are bullshit.

how offsets are bullshits is really interesting. it is easy to say you are carbon neutral but harder to prove it.


prove that it would not have happened otherwise.

JP Morgan bought offsets. Hawk mountain preserve, was already a preserve. it did not need saving. but JP Morgan claimed it to be. The nature Conservancy are busy selling offsets.

Hudson Farm club: private hunting club owned by a millionaire. company: bluesource

Core-carbon - finiteCarbon NCX they will pay you to leave your trees alone. they will pay you for delaying your cutting down your trees. which does not help the climate.

forest fires are on the rise. offset programs have literally gone up in flames.

ryanAir. pay 1€ to offset. This just offsets 0.01% of the emissions.

problem with offsetse is, everyone wants to believe in them. buyers want to pay as little as possible.

carbon offset registries.

  • GoldStandard
  • American Carbon Registry
  • Verra
  • Climate Action reserve

they are not accountable to anyone. they are paid by companies selling the offsets. their standards are far too low!

it is good to protect forests.

Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment + Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy: Study(2021): "Do carbon offsets offset carbon? (raphael calel, Jonathan Colmer, ..." 52% of approved offsets are from projects that would have very likely been build anyways.

John Oliver: "This causes real damage because companies with hard caps buy those offsets. but when you buy an offset, so you can pollute more, and that offset is bullshit, you are now making things actively worse""

study: "... the sale of these offsets ... substantially increased global carbon dioxide emissions."

remember that people live at the other side of the world. swedish energy agency bought offsets from a company called "green resources" pine forests in uganda. problem: thousands of rural ugandas were evicted.

offsets are not the answer here. we can not offset our way out of climate change!

there is not room on earth to plant 4000x times the trees. it seems like the easy thing to do, but you dont have done anything.

there is not enough space for all companies to offset.

Bloomberg: Too many companies are banking on carbon capture to reach net zero "... there's only about 500 million hectares of land left that can be dedicated to new forests for carbon capture." Shell alone ".. has proposed planting a tenth of that amount..."

offsets places profits over science.

Olivers Offsets a new registry. oliversoffsets.org



Offsetting/CO2-Kompensation "Die meistens im Globalen Süden angesiedelten Projekte (Baumplantagen, Wasserkraftwerke, „Waldschutz“ unter REDD+ …) führen oft zu Landraub oder ökologischen Problemen."


eigentlicher CO2 PReis: angerichteter schaden: pro tonne: 180€ (IPCC; Umweltbundesamt?)

Carbon Pricing. A Critical Perspective for Community Resistance - https://www.ienearth.org


Carbon pricing, including carbon trading, carbon tax- es and carbon offsets, are false solutions to climate change that do NOT keep fossil fuels in the ground.

Carbon taxes will always be low, will always be evad- ed, do not cut pollution to the degree needed, and are greenwash.

Carbon trading, carbon offsets and REDD+ are fraud- ulent climate mitigation mechanisms that in fact help corporations and governments keep extracting and burning fossil fuels.

Token revenues distributed to environmental justice communities from carbon trading or carbon pricing can never compensate for the destruction wrought by the extraction and pollution that is the source of that revenue.
Accepting such revenue not only does not compensate for the damage to our air, bodies, environ- ment, and nature, but also implicates the receiver in the extraction, pollution and natural disasters that such pollution causes.

FDCL/FT Watch (2016): Geld wächst nicht auf Bäumen oder doch?

Der Emissionshandel... und warum er nicht funktioniert

  1. Der Emissionshandel lenkt ab von den Ursachen des Klimawandels und ermöglicht den Freikauf von ei- gentlich notwendigen Verminderungen von Emissionen. Er fördert den ursprünglich geplanten technologischen Umbau und das Abschalten schmutziger Industrien nicht, sondern rechtfertigt ihren Erhalt.

  2. Es gibt keinen „richtigen” Preis für Treibhausgase: Je nachdem, wer sie wie und mit welchen Interessen be- rechnet, kommt etwas anderes heraus. Eine Studie vom Jahr 2015 besagte beispielsweise, der „optimale” CO2- Preis müsse 200 mal höher sein als der aktuelle, um tatsächlich den Klimawandel aufhalten zu können. Der läge dann etwa bei 220 Euro pro Tonne CO2. [3] Derart hohe Preise wären jedoch in unserer Realität der aktuellen Machtverhältnissen nie umsetzbar. [4]

  3. Gefahr für Umwelt- und Klimaschutz: Manche sagen, der Emissionshandel würde dann funktionieren, wenn der Markt ganz frei wäre und nicht von anderen rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen gestört würde. So plädie- ren beispielsweise Unternehmen wie Shell oder E.ON. dafür, dass in der Europäischen Union (EU) die gesetz- lichen Ziele für den Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien durch den freien Emissionsmarkt ersetzt werden sollten. David Hone, Berater für Klimawandel bei Shell, erklärt etwa: „Es braucht einen Emissionsmarkt mit einem einzi- gen Ziel. Schafft die anderen Ziele und Ansätze ab und lasst den Emissionsmarkt die Gewichtung der Technologien be- stimmen“. [5] Dies wäre jedoch höchst gefährlich, denn so würden sämtliche sinnvolle und tatsächlich grei- fende Umweltgesetze durch den Markt ausgehebelt werden. Und das heißt: Geld regiert die Welt, nicht die Bürger*innen.

Alternativen: indigene commons umweltbildung regionale wirtschaftskreisläufe fossile brennstoffe im boden lassen


Single Action Bias: https://www.geo.de/natur/nachhaltigkeit/23265-rtkl-interview-die-psychologie-der-klimakrise-warum-wir-nicht-tun-was-wir

Luisa 1,5° Podcast mit sascha lobo - wie wehren wir uns gegen Fake Lösungen? - 49 min

Lobbyismus - klimaschmutzlobby

Die Preise sind Viel zu niedrig

Cost of carbon should be 200% higher today, say economists (2015) https://www.carbonbrief.org/cost-of-carbon-should-be-200-higher-today-say-economists/

A study published in Nature Climate Change in January incorporated three modifications into the DICE model, allowing climate change to affect the growth rate of the economy, adaptation to climate change, and dividing the model to represent high- and low- income countries. With these assumptions, the optimal cost of carbon came out at $220 per tonne.

synthetische kraftstoffe

welche der 3 angebote wäre das kleinste übel? nr 1:

synthetische Kraftstoffe sind bullshit


ten facts about carbon sinks:

Carbon in trees is not equivalent to carbon in fossil fuels: Tree-stored carbon is easily released into the atmosphere through fire, natural decay and timber harvesting. Carbon in fossil fuels is locked away and only released through human intervention. Carbon credits that equate the two are based on a false premise.

One-way road: Trees provide temporary carbon storage as part of the normal cycle of carbon exchange between forests and the atmosphere. The release of carbon from fossil fuels is permanent and, over relevant time scales, will accelerate climate change by increasing the active carbon pool and destabilising carbon flows.

Fake credit: Carbon sink credits in the Kyoto Protocol use temporary tree plantations to justify permanent releases of fossil-stored carbon into the atmosphere. Carbon sink credits are fake credits for the climate.

Footprint chaos: Carbon sink credits increase the ecological debt of the North. The more fossil fuel a Northern country uses, the more land it is entitled to use to offset its emissions. This is unfair and undermines global efforts towards sustainable development.

Subsidies for mega-plantations: The Kyoto Protocol stands to provide a new subsidy for the plantations industry. Documented evidence shows how large-scale plantations have negative impacts on forests and forest peoples. Kyoto includes no meaningful safeguards to rule out large-scale monoculture tree plantations from receiving carbon credits.

Communities suffer twice: First, climate change affects the livelihoods of forest peoples and rural communities through increased droughts, floods, forest fires and deforestation. Second, carbon sink credits promote the expansion of large-scale tree plantations, which indigenous peoples and forest-dependent communities are opposing in many parts of the world.

Arming a time bomb: Avoiding climate change requires drastic reductions of greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels, but carbon sink projects do nothing to help solve this problem; in fact they mask the real crisis. This is sentencing future generations to live with fewer choices and worse conditions.

Forest fraud: Forests play a vital role in storing carbon and buffering extreme weather events. But linking forest restoration with carbon credits is a dead-end for forest peoples as well as for the climate. Halting the forest crisis requires action against the underlying causes of deforestation, not a bigger active carbon pool and more monoculture tree plantations.

Blind guess: Measuring carbon pools is fraught with uncertainties. Scientists have found that estimates of the carbon balance in Canadian forests could vary by 1000 per cent if seemingly small factors, such as increased levels of atmospheric CO2, are taken into account.

Phony climate fix: Real and lasting solutions to the forest crisis and the climate crisis lie in providing incentives for forest-dependent communities and indigenous peoples to restore their forests and practice sustainable forest management. Small-scale pilot projects are already showing positive results, while large-scale carbon sink projects are attracting criticism and protest.

Stay Grounded (2017): Grünes Fliegen gibt es das?

Kurzzusammenfassung deutsch:

Nachhaltige alternative Treibstoffe: Ein möglichst hoher Anteil konventionellen Kerosins soll durch Agrartreibstof- fe ersetzt werden. Die Pläne sind unrealistisch, würden rie- sige Mengen Land verbrauchen und damit die Lebensmit- telversorgung gefährden, zu Landraub führen und zudem kaum positive Auswirkungen auf das Klima haben.

Why Carbon Credits For Forest Preservation May Be Worse Than Nothing - ProPublica



It is not hard to make pledges towards net zero — especially when the nations and organizations involved can themselves set the parameters for that pledge. But a pledge that doesnt include meaningful reductions — as opposed to more offsets — increases the risk that catastrophic climate change will become unavoidable.


SSIR : soziale bewegungen


Dem EU Emissionshandel die Zertifikate wegkaufen:

soziale bewegungen

Climate emergency Fund https://www.climateemergencyfund.org/



indigene netzwerke warum? massensterben: planetare grenze Biodiversität ipbes



Offsets cannot truly “offset” fossil fuel production: the latest science indicates that offsets cannot keep pace with large-scale carbon emissions.
Offsets perpetuate environmental injustice, allowing polluters to continue poisoning BIPOC and working-class communities.
Offsets are likely to increase greenhouse gas emissions by allowing polluters to pollute while sequestering carbon in volatile, impermanent reservoirs.
Offsets often result in violations of the rights of Indigenous and tribal peoples, as Indigenous lands are increasingly targeted by forest offset project developers.
Offsets undermine sustainable farming and increase consolidation in agriculture, further entrenching factory farms and monoculture at the expense of small farmers, including Black and Indigenous farmers and Tribal Nations.
Offsets markets create conditions for fraud and gambling, prioritizing profit-seeking traders and speculators over economic and climate justice.







Arbeitszeit für grüne software? developers4future bits&bäume

alternative Offsetting anbieter


klima.com: "Does offsetting drive climate-damaging behavior? Actually, the opposite is true. Studies show that people who offset their carbon emissions are more climate friendly in other parts of their lives, too. That makes sense: When you're personally invested in a cause, you want it to succeed"



beliebt bei produkten:
Problem: Virunga Nationalpark

6 alternativen: https://www.treehugger.com/best-carbon-offset-programs-5076458

alternative spenden: https://earthbanc.io/


warum politischer druck?

entrepreneurs4Future 37 - 70 milliarden subventionen für fossile erneuerbare ausbau wird ausgebremst. gigantische steuergeldverschwendung in agrar


! diagramme rausziehen https://ssir.org/articles/entry/protest_movements_could_be_more_effective_than_the_best_charities#

https://climate.mit.edu/explainers/carbon-offsets MIT Forscher: Angelo Gurgel : https://globalchange.mit.edu/about-us/personnel/gurgel-angelo


(notizen machen und einsortieren)

Eine CO2-Kompensation oder Stilllegung einer bereits erzeugten/ausgestoßenen CO2-Menge kann die Erzeugung dieser CO2-Menge nicht einfach ungeschehen machen (eine Ohrfeige die man austeilt, kann auch durch die schönste Entschuldigung nicht mehr rückgängig gemacht werden). Auch eine anschließend genutzte, noch so gute Kompensationsmaßnahme kann selbst durch die Nutzung der besten, nachhaltigen Kompensationsprojekte nur abgemildert werden. https://inova.eco/co2-kompensation-pro-und-contra/

https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/sites/default/files/medien/376/publikationen/ratgeber_freiwillige_co2_kompensation_final_internet.pdf Siehe steckbriefe zu standards: seite 32 - 41

gute übersicht der kritik
(+8min podcast ausschnitt) https://endlichgruen.de/bewusster-konsum/co2-kompensation-kritik/

Katrin Hartmann - die grüne Lüge

atmosfair sagt:
kompensation allein ist langfristig nicht zielführend. interne emissionen in großem ausmaß reduzieren!

IQ - Wissenschaft und Forschung
Das große Greenwashing - Schadet CO2-Kompensation mehr als sie nutzt? br.de podcast https://www.br.de/mediathek/podcast/iq-wissenschaft-und-forschung/das-grosse-greenwashing-schadet-co2-kompensation-mehr-als-sie-nutzt/1855043 24min

Eu Maßnahmenpaket gegen Greenwashing
problem an der wurzel packen

Has Joint Implementation reduced GHG emissions?
Lessons learned for the design of carbon market mechanisms
Stockholm Environment Institute (2015)

Wo Fragen stellen?



reddit "climate" communities: https://www.reddit.com/search/?q=climate&type=sr



Das Unternehmen in dem ich arbeite möchte eine Flugrichtlinie aufstellen. Es wird überlegt, die entstehenden CO2 Emissionen zu kompensieren.

Ich weiß, dass Kompensationen meistens nicht gut sind. https://climateadproject.org/offsets/

Daher werde ich vorschlagen an Soziale Bewegungen zu spenden.

Falls sie das nicht annehmen und unbedingt CO2 Zertifikate kaufen wollen. Welche Anbieter sind am sinnvollsten?

Laut klima.com soll freiwilliges offsetting gut sein: "Does offsetting drive climate-damaging behavior?
Actually, the opposite is true. Studies show that people who offset their carbon emissions are more climate friendly in other parts of their lives, too. That makes sense: When you're personally invested in a cause, you want it to succeed" https://www.uni-kassel.de/uni/aktuelles/meldung/post/detail/News/forschergruppe-grosses-potenzial-fuer-klimaschutz-durch-freiwillige-co2-kompensationen/



6 alternativen: https://www.treehugger.com/best-carbon-offset-programs-5076458